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Obtain income and capital gains: The only way for Barça to get out of the crisis

Published:4/06/2022 - 00:35h

Updated:4/06/2022 - 00:36h

FC Barcelona has put all operations (renewals and transfers) on 'stand by' until it is able to improve its economic situation. There will be no concessions, as LaLiga recently revealed

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The war FC Barcelona-LaLiga lived a new chapter this Friday after a series of 'darts' between the leaders of both institutions. The relation finds in his more taut point and without form to resolve . From the patronal have showed very annoying after the Barcelona economic vice-president, Eduard Romeu, aimed that Javier Thebes also was culprit of the economic crisis by which was crossing the club.

The Barça is in plenary collapse financial and to the doors to activate the sale of several active to avoid that the exercise 2021-2022 finish with losses. From the club have recognised that they were very optimistic with the forecast of income and the situation, right now, is critical. If they do not sell the percentages of Barça Studios, BLM or television rights, the panorama will be totally negative for the culés of face to the market of signings.

LaLiga Has 'jumped' to desvelar how is the reality of the blaugrana and have left clear that will not do grantings of face to the needs that has the club, that are quite a lot. After the statements of Romeu, have rectified that have followed and applied, with rigour and effectiveness, all the norms of economic control, with the Barça and all the clubs of the football español, detailing that after the two seasons of the Covid from the club took decisions that have had repercussion in the capacity to inscribe and players.

In this sense, detailed that attending to the economic crisis and the losses around the 500 million euros, have cost of the article 100 of Economic Control to be able to inscribe footballers, doing big reductions in his staff to be able to inscribe. In case that the situation keep on being the same of face to the exercise 22-23, will apply the same measures. "For the season 2022-2023 the Club will follow with the same situation, with limitations in his contractings, except that, exactly the same that the rest of affiliated and as they establish the norms of economic control, obtain income and plusvalías that balance the situation described", detailed.

The whole communiqué of LaLiga

The communiqué of LaLiga (and answer of Javier Thebes in social networks) have arrived after the controversial statements of the economic vice-president of the Barça to 'RAC1': "we Have said it suffices with CVC and Thebes. This gentleman is corresponsable of the situation that crosses the Barça, has looked to another side and has worked against the interests of the club", said, adding that the current crisis "is by fault of the Barça, of his bad management... But Thebes is corresponsable of this because it looked to another side and said to all amen against the interests of the club allowing that it arrived to this situation".

We review the whole communiqué of the patronal:

"In front of the different and wrong informations about the financial situation of the FC Barcelona in what to the fulfillment of the rule of financial control of LaLiga refers , from LaLiga want to clear:

LaLiga Has applied with rigour and effectiveness the norms of Economic Control in the case of the FC Barcelona at all times, to the equal that with the rest of clubs associated, having sanctioned, in his case, the incumplimientos to the same.

The impairment of the financial situation of the FC Barcelona has produced in the seasons affected by the COVID (2019/2020 and 2020/2021), in which the Club has taken a series of decisions that have seen subjected, as in the rest of clubs, to the application of the norms of Economic Control and the consistent repercussion in his capacity to inscribe players.

In addition to this direct impact of severe reduction of the income, in 2020/2021 the result has seen affected significantly adding a negative impact enciphered around the 500 million euros, including deteriorations and provisions of future costs decided by the current managerial board.

In the season 2021-2022, like consequence of the situation described, the FC Barcelona only has had the possibility to make contractings of players reducing in proportion the cost of his staff (art. 100 of Economic Control).

To the FC Barcelona, to the equal that any another club of LaLiga, would apply him disciplinary measures if inclumpiera with other measures of control of LaLiga, as for example defeated debts with employees, clubs and administrations publish. In fact, in the happened the Comite of Economic Control has applied the regimen disciplinary to the FC Barcelona, exactly the same that to the rest of clubs

For the season 2022-2023 the Club will follow with the same situation, with limitations in his contractings, except that, exactly the same that the rest of affiliated and as they establish the norms of economic control, obtain income and plusvalías that balance the situation described. If the Club made actions of generation of extraordinary income that allow him compensate the losses accumulated and abandoned like this the condition of club exceeded in his LCPD, could go back to inscribe players of formal normal, independently of if these actions correspond to operations with CVC or with any another entity.

Regarding the adhesion or no of the Club to the agreement of LaLiga Impulse, as already it has reiterated in innumerable occasions, the FC Barcelona can incorporate to the project when it decide it, as it has reiterated in crowd of occasions, in exactly the same conditions of the rest of clubs that already form part of the same and always respecting the times of approval that require by the organs of LaLiga and/or CVC Capital.

LaLiga, as it can not be of another way, acts like garante of the fulfillment of the rules approved in his organs of control of egalitarian way with all the clubs".

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