Joan Laporta in the presentation of Kessié


Barça denies controversial information about the works of the Camp Nou

Published:6/02/2023 - 19:45h

Updated:6/02/2023 - 19:45h

FC Barcelona, through a statement on its website, has denied new information from 'El Confidencial' related to the works of the Spotify Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The reform of the Spotify Camp Nou, whose works have been awarded to the company 'Limak', has generated a lot of controversies that from the FC Barcelona have denied continuously. This Monday, without more, the newspaper 'The Confidential' published a new information that did reference to that the club would have recessed the conditions to bid by the work.

As they have done in previous occasions, the Barça has quoted what has explained the half Spanish to explain the decisions of the Barcelona that derived in the selection of the Turkish company. "The FC Barcelona opted by that the fold of 1 September 2022 that gave entrance to the Turkish giant of the construction Limak in the reform of the Camp Nou, recessing of considerable way the conditions to bid by the work, did not approve by the board, as they have confirmed internal sources of the club blaugrana', had written from 'The Confidential''.

In this regard, the Barcelona recognise that it is a false information and that the paper of the Managerial Board is to approve the "object and amount/s, and in some cases question relative to the timing or calendar in that it has to loan the good or service object of said bidding", as well as that the criteria by which formalise the conditions of the biddings "answer to quantitative technical questions, qualitative, of market, etc., being reflected said peculiarities in the text that makes jointly the Area of Shopping of the Club with the Area or department involved in the project that requires of the process of bidding".

The whole communiqué of the Barça

To continuation, review the complete communiqué of the FC Barcelona denying dirversas informations on the works of the Spotify Camp Nou awarded to the Turkish company 'Limak':

"The FC Barcelona opted by that the fold of 1 September 2022 that gave entrance to the Turkish giant of the construction Limak in the reform of the Camp Nou, recessing of considerable way the conditions to bid by the work, did not approve by the board, as they have confirmed internal sources of the club blaugrana. FALSE.

The paper of the Managerial Board in the processes of bidding circumscribes to approve the object and amount/s, and in some cases question relative to the timing or calendar in that it has to loan the good or service object of said bidding.

The criteria by which formalise in the fold of conditions of the biddings of the Club answer to quantitative technical questions, qualitative, of market, etc., being reflected said peculiarities in the text that makes jointly the Area of Shopping of the Club with the Area or department involved in the project that requires of the process of bidding.

"The new fold consolidated a double road: on the one hand, FCC and Comsa, and the UTE of Acciona and Ferrovial, that had happened the precualifiación of 2017 and that forced them to having built like minimum a stadium of at least 45.000 squares in the last 10 years, in addition to two buildings in Spain with a minimum budget of 150 millions; and, by another, the Turkish Limak for which created the denomination of "company invited", exenta of these requests". FALSE

In no case it has consolidated a double road of approval of the companies participants neither neither has remained any exenta to fulfil with the requirements demanded by the FC Barcelona to be able to participate in the bidding in virtue of the fold of 2022. During the process of bidding of 2022, having passed five years of the previous fold of conditions evacuated by the previous Managerial Board, has reviewed the documentation of all the companies participants (the new and those that already had contributed documentation in virtue of the fold of 2017);, we have requested to said companies the update of part of the documentation contributed in virtue of the fold of 2017, as well as it has made a new evaluation of the financial solvency of all the companies participants.

In any case, the expression "exenta of requests" is totally improcedente because a "exemption" supposes a "frankness and freedom that somebody enjoys to exempt of some charge or obligation.", being truer that all the companies that participated of the bidding had the same requests.

Likewise, we have to remember that The Confidential published does less than ten days, to instances of the Club, a rectification that prayed literally, in relation to this pretended controversy: So much LIMAK like the rest of the companies that licitaron fulfilled escrupulosamente with the requests and conditions indicated in the fold of reference during all the process of bidding.

"As it advanced The Sportive World, the vice-president Elena Fort has received an email of the partner Ricard Faura for five communities that demand him to the club more transparency on the project for five groupings of opinion".

The Managerial Board of the FC Barcelona keeps his full commitment in keeping constantly informed to all the partners and partners on the different phases of the project Espai Barça, having assumed the commitment to reinforce all the channels of official communication of the Club to end to guarantee the maximum transparency in all the process.

In this sense, from the Board has increased the periodicity of realisation of communiqués, announcement to explanatory press conferences of subjects of importance for the Club, broadcast of 'infosocis', call to participation to the partner/to to sessions of work, in addition to offering concrete information of the main operative that carry out to ensure that all the partners and partners of the FC Barcelona are informed of the evolution of these projects, especially the Project Espai Barça, where without going more far in the recent month of January summoned to all the media to a press conference in that the Vice-president of the Club and the Area of Compliance exposed of form detailed the process of bidding, protocols of performance and mechanisms of control that has the Club.

"In August of this year, the second drop was Jaume Llopis, the one who resigned of the board and like member of the Commission Espai Barça. Llopis Went accusing to Laporta that the costs would shoot much more of what foresaw the club, the double, of 1.500 millions to 3.000 millions, and that the situation was unsustainable. In theory, the entrance of Limak allows to keep these initial costs as Laporta and his team had posed, in addition to playing in Montjuïc the half of time, what helps to keep the income of taquilla". FALSE

The Mr. Jaume Llopis never has formed part of the Managerial Board of the FC Barcelona. Only it was member of the Commission of the Espai Barça of which resigned on 8 August of the 2021, to consequence of the course of Leo Messi of the Club, as he same communicated in an open letter to the president of the Club, indicating in relation to Espai Barça: "Thank you by the confidence in putting me to the Commission Espai Barça, and, although there is not any official nomination neither responsibility, think that have contributed positive things, but see me in the obligation to resign because I want to have freedom to be able to express my opinions."

"Two days after Reverter, abandons another member of the Commission Espai Barça: the president of Audax, José Elías, that had been the main avalista of Laporta so that this could access to the presidency of the FC Barcelona". FALSE

The Sr José Elías left to form part of the Commission of Espai Barça in November of 2021, trascending to the press in February of 2022".

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