The agents that will receive the call of Laporta in this summer


The controversial dismissals of Laporta since it took the presidency

Published:13/06/2021 - 20:57h

Updated:13/06/2021 - 20:57h

Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona, has commissioned to relieve of his place to until 22 people since it took the reins of the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Since Joan Laporta restarted the presidential throne of the FC Barcelona, promised a revolution in the club. And like this it has been. Although in some occasions the forms can have failed, the maximum mandator has relieved of his charge to several important figures of the barcelonismo, legends culés that does not consider indispensable and that of face to the next season no longer will be in the entity.

One of the first dismissals that sucedió in the club was in the basketball. Nacho Rodríguez, the one who fulfilled the function of director of management of the section, left his charge. It was one of the main architects of the new project to heave the Euroliga with Sarunas Jasikevicius, Nikola Mirotic and Pau Gasol. By consequence, Juan Carlos Navarro will have more can.

David Barrufet, mánager sportive in handball, sacks of the Barça after 37 years linked to the club. This Friday felt a new vase of cold water, and by double game. García Pepper, trainer of the filial and that had sounded even like successor of Ronald Koeman, will leave the bench this summer. Also it sacks of the entity Guillermo Love, that occupied the charge of director of institutional and sportive relations from 2017. Another legend culé that leaves by the rear door.

More sportive dismissals

These last dismissals have been those that more have called the attention, by importance and path in the Barça. But of course they have not been the only. The formative football also is in remodeling. Patrick Kluivert no longer is to charge of said section, as well as they neither are technical secretaries of The Farm Aureli Altimira and Jordi Roura. In the area of scouting, Àlex García leaves to be the responsible maximum.

Meanwhile, the five-a-side football, in full fight by LaLiga, also will cross by the hard change of trainer. Andreu Square is directing his last parties like technician of the first team, and will not continue. The same occurs with Txus Lahoz, that neither will follow like mánager of the section.

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