Image of archive of the last elections of the FC Barcelona


The vote by post presents his first fails for the elections in the Barça

Published:9/02/2021 - 21:12h

Updated:9/02/2021 - 21:12h

The candidature of Toni Freixa announced that they already explain four votes of Peñíscola, but the FC Barcelona cleared that it will not deliver the documentation to Posts until the day 15

Calendar of FC Barcelona

According to the information of the journalist Adrià Soldevila to BE Catalonia, this Monday produced the first problem with the electoral vote by post in the FC Barcelona, which will have a big importance in this opportunity of face to the elections to the presidency of the Barcelona club that will be celebrated the next 7 March.

The candidature headed by Toni Freixa, Fidels to the Barça, made public that four partners of Peñíscola already had announced them that they had proceeded to exert his right to the vote in favour to the candidature of the ex spokesman of the club. However, from the breast of the Barcelona institution explained to BE Catalonia, that the delivery of the documentation to vote of form no face-to-face would not deliver to Posts until the next 15 February. The term to vote by post corresponds to the period comprised between the 15 and the 26 of this same month.

To the dessert, the candidature of Freixa took position in this regard of this subject, and explained that the four partners had received a message of Posts in which they announced them that they went to receive the documentation this same Monday. But, finally, they had not received it. Freixa And his team cleared to the BE that the four partners have informed them that they will not change his vote.

By his part, the FC Barcelona announced this Monday that already has a total of 18.119 requests of partners to participate in the elections that will be developed the next 7 March through the modality of the vote by post. Even, still it trusts from the Barcelona club reach the round figure of the 20.000, as it still subtracts time until this Tuesday 9 February to the 19:00 hours to complete the form by the web of the institution that allows to receive to this modality.

The goodnesses of the vote by post

The partner that decide to participate in the elections costing of the vote by post, will be able to exert his right to choose from 15 February until the 26 of the same month. To do it, will have to his disposal two modalities: if it is 65 years old or more, it will be able to receive the visit in his own domicile of a representative of Posts, that will go to collect his documentation. If the person is lower to 65 years, will have to attend with the papers required to the office of Posts nearer to his place

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