Joan Laporta, during the presentation of his electoral campaign

Xavier Vilajoana: "Joan Laporta is the continuation candidate"

Published:29/12/2020 - 20:06h

Updated:29/12/2020 - 20:10h

Xavier Vilajoana, ex member of the managerial board of Josep Maria Bartomeu and precandidato in the elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona, conceded a new interview

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavier Vilajoana, that formed part of the directive of Josep Maria Bartomeu, is one of the precandidatos in search of the necessary signatures to be able to present to the elections of the FC Barcelona of the next 24 January. In spite of that it is the only that will not have to endorse for belonging to the previous board, considers that the candidate more continuista would be Joan Laporta.

It was through a recent interview with EFE, after being asked after the votes of the 'laportistas, the one of the 'rosellistas', the one of the 'nuñistas'. "The last three presidents of the Barça went in together in 2003 and formed part of the same team. Therefore, I do not know until which point Laporta can consider rompedor or aglutinador. In his initial team during quite a lot of time were the three last presidents. If in these elections there is some continuista is Laporta", ensured.

Xavier Vilajoana also analysed the answers of Leo Messi on his continuity in the interview with Jordi Évole. "It seemed me a near interview, but until we do not seat us with him in first person consider that few conclusions can take out on his future", said, leaving glimpse that the aztro Argentinian will not decide until they do not happen the elections.

"We see that there are a lot of hesitant partners"

This yes, valued positively that at least Leo Messo seemed to leave the open door to his continuity. "They have happened a lot of things from the summer, the team is growing, the young players are strengthening and this is giving consistency to the sportive project. The consequence is that it grows the personal motivation", manifested the precandidato.

The planned income by the directive of Josep Maria Bartomeu were of 828 million euros, something that Xavier Vilajoana commented like ex member of this board. "Now we are us beginning to vacunar; it will be necessary to see if in March will be able to begin to have public in the Camp Nou as it contemplated the budget. Besides, there are other sources of income, like the 'Barça Corporate', and new sponsors that want to bet by the Barça", commented.

Xavier Vilajoana also denied the proposals of Agustí Benedito and Joan Laporta to demolish the Camp Nou. "I listened to Benedito and read to Laporta. The first that it is necessary to do is to inform. In Barcelona exist different degrees of protection of the historical buildings: To, B, C and D. The Camp Nou is of protection C, so unless there is ruin or aluminosis, have to keep the structure and the main elements. Today same the Camp Nou can not throw to the floor", said.


The Superliga European

To Xavier Vilajoana also asked him what thinks of the project of the Superliga European of the cual Bartomeu informed in his last press conference like president culé. "The forecast of income is very high by the structure of the competition. All the sports go reestudiando and the current football needs to balance the strengths, because it is full of big fortunes and countries-been. This causes a lot of differences between the teams and there is need of homogenisation in the rules", sentenced.

On the 'Barça Corporate', the precandidato put it in value. "They are five lines of business arisen in these last five years that have grown a lot of and that have a lot of way for visiting. The main is Barça Studios, of the cual now the rest of precandidatos put in his mouth that is a generator of income very powerful. Well, as since they are so critical with the previous managerial board, also would be well that they put in value the things that did well", concluded.

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