The Barça, the second club that more money has lost during the pandemic
Published:4/02/2021 - 19:09h
Updated:4/02/2021 - 19:09h
The Premier League situates until four clubs in the top 10 of income, whereas LaLiga only has FC Barcelona and Real Madrid
We live a so odd period like complicated in the actuality, having as obvious common denominator of each stage the sanitary crisis originated by the Covid, that without differentiating colours or professions, gave a hard hit to all in the planet and to the football especially, that depends largely of the contact and big quantities of people.
And if of hits speak, the FC Barcelona is in a moment quite particular of "luck", with the sportive disaster of final of season like pistol shot of start to an interminable thread of eventualities that recently, saw how the agreement of Messi turned into a capital problem.
But now it can be worse, because all the money that was invested in the best player of the history of the club could be necessary in this moment. Maybe what spent in Coutinho or Dembelé. Probably the options do not finish but the true is that if already in the middle of the Covid all was complicated, now KPMG, signature of world-wide counters, aggravated more the reality when informing on the accounts of the distinct clubs of the world.
The 1047 million euros that were annotated like income of the previous campaign diluted to finish in 855 millions, with a considerable absence of money that well could serve to pay to time the wages or do necessary remodelings according to some that another director with voice mediática.
Although it was normal the discount of income, the up to date figures for this campaign foresee that the entry was of 713.4 millions, a new fall (126 million euros less) considerable that leaves him like the second club that more loses in the middle of the pandemia. Fortunately, also this list of KPMG situates to the culés like the first in income, being able to confront a bit the current crisis.
Only Manchester United loses more than the Barcelona at present, so much in coin (131.6 million euros less) as in percentage (15% of loss for the Barcelona in front of 18.5% of the Manchester). The clubs situated in the list situate by average coin-porcentual, since when seeing only the index the Inter of Milan loses more than both teams, with a loss of 20.1 % less, although in coin is of "alone" 73.5 million euros less.
Healthy "economy"
In this same list call the attention the clubs that situate second and third, being Real Madrid and Bayern Munich respectively. The Spaniards lost 59.1 million euros for a discount of 8% in income, whereas the Bavarians saw 18.3 millions less in his arks for a total loss of 2.9%. But the prize has it the ninth, the Borussia Dortmund, that could keep the final numbers in green with an entry of 2.3 millions more to the accustomed, being an increase of 0.6%.
KPMG Clears that this monetary alteration in the clubs has like evident "culprit" each empty seat in the stadiums, since without fanatical the collapse is barbaric and the sponsors can have an argument for recortar or finalise his agreements.