Josep Maria Bartomeu, during his resignation


Bartomeu breaks the silence: it Answers to Laporta and defends his management in the Barça

Published:13/08/2021 - 19:31h

Updated:14/08/2021 - 00:42h

The ex president of the FC Barcelona, Josep María Bartomeu, has defended of the indictments of the new Managerial Board culé with a letter

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The right to reply is allowed and Josep María Bartomeu has used it to answer the indictments of the new president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, on his management in the last years and the big consequences that this had in the club, causing between other things that the Barça saw in the need of 'undo' of his greater star, Lionel Messi, because they did not have how inscribe it in the staff.

The true is that now Bartomeu has answered to Laporta and has done it with a hard letter in which now 'accuse' to 'Jan' by inactivity. "After your last statements and the ones of some members of your Managerial Board, see me in the obligation to head to me you with the end of puntualizar determinate demonstrations, clear responsibilities and demand you, like president, immediate actions against situations that are affecting gravely, by equivocal and manipulated, no only to the image of the Club, but also the one of the Managerial Board that had the honour to chair during almost seven years", began writing Bartomeu. To continuation, all the points that has touched the ex president:

First point: Accounts approved of the Barça

In the first point, spoke on the to probación of the accounts of the past exercise, the one of the season 2019-20: "In the first place, remember you that requested to the General Assembly of Partners Compromisarios, celebrated the past 20 June, the approval of the accounts of the exercise 2019-20 formulated by our directive, under the unquestionable argument that the settlement reflected faithfully the economic state, financial and patrimonial of the FC Barcelona to 30 June 2020".

Likewise, it has explained the point referring to that "the majority approval of the result of the audit 2019-20, cost also the result of the mandate of July 2010 to June of 2020. A mandate initiated by the Managerial Board of the president Sandro Rosell, con the balance of an increase patrimonial positive of 193 millions, excluding the losses caused by the pandemia of the 14 March to 30 June 2020, that, according to the Royal decree 1162/2020 of 22 December, will not consider negative economic results in the exercises affected by the Covid-19 to effects of computation of the guarantee".

To his time, underlined that "without subtracting these losses Covid of 97 millions, although they suppose equally an increase of 96 millions and a net heritage by the club of 35 millions, taking into account that we initiate the mandate in July of 2010, with a negative heritage of -60 million euros".

It is a situation, recognises Bartomeu, very different to which the Barça lived in 2010 "when the losses of 80 millions (season 2009-10), gave a negative result of the mandate (2003-2010) of 47,6 million euros" and that these results were a "inheritance nefasta" (as well as it defined Laporta the one of Bartomeu). That it left him to the board of Sandro Rosell, where he was.

In this sense, the club "in the application of the derivative rule of the Disposal Seventh Additional of the Law of the Sport of 1992, was prescriptive to subject to the Assembly of October of the 2010 the vote to initiate a legal action of action of objective responsibility by the replacement of the losses" that was not will of the Board, but to fulfil only the laws.

Second point: Management 2020-2021

In the second subject of the letter, Josep María Bartomeu has touched specifically the indictments of Laporta regarding the management in the exercise 2020-2021, before it resigned of his charge like president in front of the social pressure. It has cleared that "in front of the surprising posture of the Procicat to authorise the announcement of the vote of censorship the Sunday 1 November 2020 in the Camp Nou, decide to cease in the charge".

Likewise, it explained that "we did not want to put in risk of health, neither in the tessitura of infringir the municipal confinement, the restriction of mobility and of meeting, ordered by the own Government of the Generality the Thursday 29 October, grieve three days before the vote, to our 110.000 partners and partners".

Third point: Without space for 'resolve'

Like continuation of the previous point, the ex president underlined that after the cessation of his activities in October of 2020, "was us impossible continue taking decisions directed, especially, to avoid the impact of the enormous planned losses consequence of the alarming reduction of income caused by the pandemia, that, up to now, have not allowed to reopen the Camp Nou and, until does few weeks, have not allowed to reopen the Museum, the Camp Nou Experience, the Megastore of the Camp Nou and the rest of Barça Stores".

Of the same way, cleared that "we are speaking of the impossibility to do effective 43% (Roughly some 375 million euros) of the income of the season 2020-21" and that the have finished the mandate (in March) "would have allowed us, in this supposition yes, face and assume the total settlement of the season 2020-21 as it was our wish, executing the necessary decisions to avoid arrive to the current financial situation. We had been the only responsible of the closing and of his consequences. Decisions that the new Board has not taken during these months, leaving in evidence his inaction", signalled, in a dart more than evident to Laporta.

Fourth point: What did the Board?

Bartomeu has explained that "from 14 March 2020, dates start of the state of alarm and total closing of the Club with the consistent unexpected fall and sudden of the income, as it was ours obligation and with the maximum worry, from the first moment, our Board applied a reduction, non-recoverable, of 12% of the wages to all the players, technicians and sportive professionals of the Club with effect in the season 2019-20, that served for paliar, at least, in a part, the one of the fall of income".

With the information of the Procicat, " agreed propose to the same players and technicians an adecuación and a postponement of the payments", the forecasts did not fulfil "and that, according to our plan, in the case to keep the enclosed installations until June of 2021, himself it was necessary to apply a new reduction of the wages, in this case of 20% (some 90 millions)".

Fifth point: The plans that had in the Barça

With the Barça Corporate, in the Board expected that they increased the income of the club: "een the entrance of partners strategic until 49% for the conjoint exploitation of the four active commercial no directly linked to the income of the sportive competitions".

In the unabridged text, Bartomeu explained the four active:

  • - Barça Licensing and Merchandising (BLM): network of shops for the commercialisation of the clothes and the licences of products.
  • - Barça Studios: the centre of sportive digital innovation more notable to world-wide level, road contained, big dates and of audiovisual production.
  • - Barça Innovation Hub: platform of impulse of scientific and technological investigation applied to the sport and the knowledge.
  • - Barça Academy: near of 50 centres of education all over the world, of the integral formative model sportive of football and of values.