Jordi Cruyff in an act


Jordi Cruyff, excited to return to Barça: "For me it's like going home"

Published:3/06/2021 - 18:42h

Updated:3/06/2021 - 18:44h

Jordi Cruyff has offered his first words after completing his signing for FC Barcelona, ​​showing himself very excited to return home

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona announced that Jordi Cruyff will form part of his sportive organisation chart from 1 August, completing like this a traspaso that Joan Laporta dreamed from does long. Like this then , the Dutch will turn into the sportive adviser of the Barcelona group and will be part of the big revolution that prepares the club of face to the future.

In his first statements after 'fichar' by the Barça, offered to the official means of the club, showed very thrilled for returning to which went his house when it was small. "I come to help, the motivation is enormous", aimed, manifesting that "twenty-five years ago that left me, has been a very long route, for me is a bit like going back home", declared.

"It is a pride be here, am very grateful and with all the intentions to do the maximum and help to the team and to the club in what it do lacking"

The feeling and joy for returning to the Barça is something that, in his opinion, can help it even more to step 'extra' in his career in the Barcelona entity. "Know the house will help me a lot in the day in day out, in the work, and the motivation is enormous because it is a very special club for me and my family. It is a pride be here, am very grateful and with all the intentions to do the maximum and help to the team and to the club in what it do lacking", underlined.

Cruyff Explained, besides, that does not think to revolutionise a charge neither at all like that, but rather integrate to what the Barça has right now. "It is question to arrive and integrate. There is a lot of work for doing, in my last years have stepped a lot of different places, different clubs, continents, different experiences... I come to help, to collaborate with which there is here, help in anything, basically", aseveró.

His bond with the Barça

Remembering to his father, Jordi has desvelado cuán special is the bond that has with the Barça, where grew like footballer and saw to his dad shine. "My father has this vicinity with two clubs. I practically have grown here, have been born almost here, is very clear the bond of Johan and the family with the Barça", ensured.

It wants to follow in its footsteps his father, but knows that this is a very complicated task by what meant his work and figure for the football and especially for the Barça. "Obviously, it would like me be Johan Cruyff, but all the world understands that he was an immortal man, but think that we can help in a lot of facets.... When you are in different continents, helps you to be much readier".