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Jordi Farré demands to the agent of the FC Barcelona that summon elections already

Published:10/11/2020 - 09:00h

Updated:10/11/2020 - 09:00h

The intention of the managing commission that at present chairs the FC Barcelona is to expect to Christmas to summon the elections, but Jordi Farré asked to advance them

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jordi Farré was one of the maximum exponents of the platform 'Més that a moció'​ that promoted the vote of censorship against Josep Maria Bartomeu and his board, something that finished with the resignation en bloc of the already ex mandator beside all the directive. Besides, also it is precandidato to the next elections of the FC Barcelona, at present directed by a managing commission.

To day of today, at the head of the club, is Carles Tusquets, that informed about the intentions of the managing commission that took the reins of the FC Barcelona after the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu: summon the elections in the dates navideñas. But, so that these arrive, still will do lacking to expect almost a month and half, a period in which maybe it was necessary to take important decisions in the club.

It is thus that Jordi Farré does not agree with the dates chosen to summon the elections, since it considers that these more than 40 days that are missing so that they celebrate the comicios will avoid that the future managerial culé take decisions. In some statements collected by the portal 'Culemanía', the visible head of 'Més that a moció' emplazó to Carles Tusquets to advance the elections.

Jordi Farré does not want that the coronavirus serve so that they delay the votes. "The elections have to summon already or, like minimum, has to fix a date. The pandemia can not be an excuse to dilate the announcement. The sanitary conditions are so cambiantes and unpredictable that does not have felt to expect until Christmas to set up a process that can last until five weeks", commented.

The decisions have to be of the new board

In this sense, Jordi Farré considers that the managing board "can not take decisions that do not correspond him", since these have to be taken by the directive that take the reins of the club once the partners have voted. Some decisions that will involve so many sportive subjects, on signings and exits, as economic in a context of crisis by the pandemia.

It is thus that Jordi Farré insists in the importance that the new board decide. "Perhaps desaprovecharemos a small period of bonanza, that ojalá that it arrive, if we continue delaying the definite vote by the fault of current determination", commented, adding that "it has to be the next managerial board the attendant to take decisions, no the agent that has to limit to do what was strictly necessary".