Neymar Jr, during his last pre-season with the FC Barcelona


LAST HOUR: The Barça and Neymar put end to his litigios of friendly form

Published:26/07/2021 - 13:40h

Updated:26/07/2021 - 19:53h

THE FC Barcelona has issued an official communiqué confirming that the club has arrived to an agreement with Neymar Jr to give him closing to the pending trials

Calendar of FC Barcelona

A problem less for the FC Barcelona of Joan Laporta. This Monday, the club of the City Condal has informed through an official communiqué that have put an end to the judicial problems that has dragged the Barcelona entity with the Brazilian star Neymar Jr. Both parts have arrived to a friendly "agreement" that frees them of more disputes in the courts.

In the writing, the club has desvelado that "the FC Barcelona informs that it has closed extrajudicialmente and of different friendly form litigios labour and civilians that had opened with the Brazilian player Neymar gives Silva Santos Júnior", began. "Like this, the Club and the player have signed a transactional agreement to put end to judicial procedures that were slopes between both parts: three claims in the labour jurisdiction and a civil procedure".

Like this then , the Barça and Neymar Jr have sealed the peace. It does some months, had informed that the lawyers of the Catalan group and of the footballer of the Paris Saint-Germain were negotiating to close an agreement with which the ones of the City Condal forgave to Neymar Jr the 16,7 million euros if he desisted in demanding other 47,15 'kilos', as it remembers 'Sportive World'.

Before, already it had suspended the trial in which the international by Brazil demanded 3,5 millions of the clear. It remained for debating in the courts the procedure with which the FC Barcelona demanded 10 'kilos' by fiscal retentions, as well as the trial by the premium of renewal that reported 'Ney'.

On the other hand, it fits to remember, the Court of the Social number 15 of Barcelona sentenced does some months that the 'crack' Brazilian had to return to the Barcelona entity 6,7 millions, declining besides the aspiration of Neymar Jr to earn the 43,6 'kilos' that apparently left him to pay the Barça when it announced that it left in 2017 to the Paris Saint-Germain.

It arrives the peace between the Barça and Neymar

After a lot of years of disputes, with an exit of the Camp Nou that was not friendly (although the club ingresó more than 200 millions by his traspaso), both parts have sealed the peace. It supposes a 'relief' for the Barcelona, that will avoid to happen again by the courts and will have more space to treat the urgent subjects of the club, especially with the economic subject and the registration of the new signings, included Leo Messi. '