The Prosecutor's Office declares war on Barça: "The payments were for the referees to favor him"
After weeks of information and rumours, it has been confirmed that the Prosecutor's Office has filed a complaint for arbitration favors in the relationship between the Barça club and Enríquez Negreria
They have happened a few days since destapó the payment of until seven million euros of the FC Barcelona to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees, Enríquez Negreria, in little less than two decades. Up to now, everything treated of suppositions and indictments, but now the Fiscalía has appeared of way 'official' to present a complaint to the Court of Instruction number 1 of Barcelona by the relation between the Barcelona entity with the exárbitro.
Like this then , the Fiscalía has interposed a complaint in which the signal that the Barça would be responsible of a crime continued, by sportive fraud, disloyal administration and falsity in the mercantile document. In the writing, attack directly to the Barcelona entity with several sentences that leave clear that, for the moment, avecina a wrap very big for the Catalans. It has been desvelado by 'The World', among others half.
The Barça, accused to be 'favoured' by the referees
In the complaint that has presented the Fiscalía to the Court of Instruction number 1 of Barcelona, has explained that "the Barça reached and kept a verbal agreement strictly confidential with the reported Enríquez Negreira, so that, in his quality of vice-president of the CTA and in return of money, made tending performances to favour to the Barcelona in the taking of decisions of the referees in the parties that contested the club, and like this in the results of the competitions".
Likewise, they have upsetting in the works of the Technical Committee of Referees, of the that Negreira was vice-president until 2018, when it would have finished also his relation with the Barcelona entity. "Referees whose designation for each party of the Spanish competitions of state field and professional carry out in the breast of the CTA, organism commissioned, besides, of the evaluations for the promotions and descents of category of the referees, as well as of the proposition of candidates to international referees".
The 'case Negreira', one very complicated for the Barça
In the complaint presented this Friday, have attached the payments that would have done the FC Barcelona to the exvicepresidente of the CTA between 2001 and 2018, standing out that the figure rose until the 7,3 million euros, as they have informed from 'ACE'. In the concept of the payments, from the club did reference to that it was by "advice of technical videos", only between 2014 and 2018, whereas when the figures increased signalled that it was by "recording of parties and viewing of...".
The same source aims, in concrete, that between January of 2011 and 2014, with Sandro Rosell in the mandate, the payments were of two million euros, whereas between 2014 and 2014 were of 1.286.530,19 euros. Likewise, between 2016 and 2018, the exvicepresidente of the CTA there would be ingresado 1.685.142,83 euros.