Deco, ex player of the FC Barcelona


Relationship with Xavi, contacts with Messi... The reasons why Barça wants Deco

Published:4/05/2023 - 00:34h

Updated:4/05/2023 - 00:34h

In the last few hours, the option for FC Barcelona to 'sign' Deco to replace Mateu Alemany as director of the football area from June 30, when the man from Andratx will leave, has taken hold.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In addition to loaning attention to the signings for the first team, in the FC Barcelona find in plenary casting to achieve to the replacement of Mateu Alemany, the one who will leave his functions like director of the area of football from 30 June, after having decided that it is moment to open another chapter in his professional career.

The one of Andratx communicated to the club that will leave and is being very related with the Aston Villa, that boasts that it will be his new destination. In the meantime, in the City Condal are treating of 'fichar' to his relief as soon as possible and Deco, exfutbolista Barcelona, is the one who would have all the ballots to reinforce to the club according to the last informations.

The ideal candidate for the place?

The candidature of Deco has been an authentic surprise for the barcelonismo, put does not have experience like director of football or in a similar charge, put since it withdrew like footballer only has 'incursionado' in the representation of footballers, as it is the case of Raphinha. Before, when it had sounded to form part of the organisation chart culé, had descartado because it is incompatible that 'share' functions inside the club and also was an agent.

However, the only road would be that it renounce to his current functions like representative of footballers. As it has explained Francesc Aguilar during the night of the Wednesday, there would be several reasons by which the Barça would back that Deco replaced to Alemany in his charge. The Brazilian would be adherent of the return of Messi and keeps a good relation with him, as well as that exist contacts with Xavi, through another person, and the egarense says that "there is not any problem".

Doubts and negotiation

The true is that the hypothetical incorporation of Deco to the Barcelona organisation chart generates more doubts that certainties, especially because no 'improvement' what there is at present. In any case, foresees that during next week the Brazilian land in the City Condal to seat with the directors to negotiate. Still there is not enclosed agreement, neither much less, and from the club would demand him that it renounce to his company like agent of footballers, between other possible conditions, to opt to the charge.