Ceferin and Laporta in the final of the Women's Champions League


A summit between Laporta and Ceferin for the 'Negreira case'!

Published:20/04/2023 - 20:25h

Updated:20/04/2023 - 20:25h

Joan Laporta wants to "get closer" to UEFA in the midst of the investigations into the "Negreira case". This Thursday, he has arranged a meeting with the president of the organization, Aleksander Ceferin, in Slovenia

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is in the middle of an investigation by the 'case Negreira', after the payment of seven million euros to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) during almost two decades. The UEFA announced his intervention does more than a month and has the possibility to sanction to the Barcelona entity if they find them guilty, even before there is trial.

The true is that from the club always have existed positive feelings regarding the act of the UEFA, but in the middle of the explanations that has given Joan Laporta (in press conference and in front of the clubs of LaLiga), this Thursday has been with Aleksander Ceferin to transmit the position of the club in the middle of the 'case Negreira', as they coincide several means.

'Approach' with the UEFA

In the message that would have transmitted Laporta to Ceferin, would have left clear that in any moment the Barcelona club bought neither received referee's favours while tabajaban with the company of Negreira and his son, on the same line that has come speaking the máxmo mandator in the last days.

With this movement, from the FC Barcelona expect that the organism rector of the European football expect to that a judge pronounce before dictating sentence and, in the worst of the cases, exclude to the team by a year of the European competitions, in this case the Champions League. They are conscious that in the UEFA will continue his investigations, but wanted to that they knew the version of the club.

In LaLiga did not remain 'convinced'

It is worth it to remember that, this Wednesday, Laporta had been protagonist in the General Assembly of LaLiga to explain his version of the 'case Negreira' and, as it confirmed the president of the competition, Javier Thebes, the clubs of First and Second did not remain convinced with the comments of the maximum mandator culé: "The clubs want that they investigate these payments. Laporta Has not convinced in his explanations. We consider that they have not remained clear"... It will have convinced to Ceferin?