The debt of the FC Barcelona, in detail: 1.173 million euros in total
Published:25/01/2021 - 21:07h
Updated:25/01/2021 - 21:07h
The financial situation of the Barça is just right more critical: the club owes a total of 1.173 million euros and 730 of those, has to pay them before June
In Can Barça do not stop the problems and, further of the renewal of Leo Messi and the possible arrival of Eric García or Memphis Depay (that it can be conditioned po), in the offices blaugrana the biggest worry by the moment is 'saldar' the pending accounts, something that will be very complicated, considering the astronomical figures that handles the club in this moment. Between credits and debts by traspasos, the situation paints very complicated for the culés.
The FC Barcelona crosses one of his worst financial crises in the middle of the pandemia of the coronavirus and, after the annual economic memory of the club, to which have had varied access media, desvela cuán worrisome is the situation that lives at present. In gross figures, the culés owe a total of 1.173 million euros, of which are in the obligation to pay 730 'kilos' in the short term.
Like this then , the figure desglosa in 265 millones in debts with entities of credit, 2.5 million euros in obligations and other negotiable values, 164 millions in debts with the sportive personnel and 298 kilos in other no specified concepts in the document revealed.
— Què T'hi Jugues (@QueThiJugues) January 25, 2021
? The club tea a deute total of 1.173M d'euros (730M to curt termini)
❌ The fons of manoeuvre és negatiu in 602M
✍️ "Això Poses in dubte l'aplicació of the principi d'company in funcionament", diu the memòria
via @jordimartiras i @AdriaSoldevila pic.twitter.com/zvwbnshbux
The debt 'elder, of the blaugrana are the amortizaciones and pending signings, of credits. In this sense, a total of 265 'kilos' have to be paid in June of this year, 90 of them at the end Goldman Sachs. The situation worsens for the Barça since, in case of not paying, the subsidiary that carries the merchandising of the club would become property of the creditors, as pautó like guarantee to reach said credits.
On the other hand, from the program 'Què T'hi Jugues', to BE Catalonia, aim that the Barça has a bottom of negative manoeuvre, that is to say, that the active common are inferior that the passive. The one of the culés is of 602 millions, by what, although the club sold all his heritage, still would not be able to cover all his debt.
The Barça closed the previous course with a total debt of 488 'kilos' and expects to receive again to his fanatical during the month of February because, if it is not like this, the accounts do not go him to give to the culés for saldar his debts. In this sense, from the club calculate an income in the Camp Nou of 56 million euros, if the capacity is of 25% in February and 50% in the month of May.
Problems with the mass salarial and traspasos
Two of the most worrisome points regarding the situation fonanciera that live the culés go regarding the mass salarial and the incumplimiento of payment, by part of the culés, in matter of signings. According to these accounts, pertaining to the last exercises of the presidency of Josep María Bartomeu, in the FC Barcelona spends 74% of it ingresado in the wages of the players of the first team.
?? The Barça has a total debt of 1.173 million euros
— Víctor Navarro (@victor_nahe) January 25, 2021
▶️ Only in traspasos the club is due to other teams €196m. Some examples:
€40m to the Liverpool by Coutinho
€48m to the Ajax by Of Jong
€5m to the Athletic by preferential rights
?@ESPORTSCOPE#FCBlive pic.twitter.com/kurud7a6ug
Another point that 'rack' in the offices of the Camp Nou are the pending payments. The club still is slope to pay 196 million the traspasos of the players that have landed in the City Condal in the last years. Like this then , the culés have to pay 48 'kilos' to the Ajax by Frenkie of Jong, 40 to the Liverpool by Philippe Coutinho and five millions to the Athletic of Madrid by preferential rights on several footballers.