Shield of the Barcelona in a sunny day


The serious consequences for Libero for non-payment to Barça

Published:5/01/2024 - 20:40h

Updated:5/02/2024 - 12:32h

According to an information of the newspaper 'SPORT', Free Football Finance would be in a crisis of resignations after all the controversy that has lived by the non-payment to the FC Barcelona by the purchase of Barça Studios

Calendar of FC Barcelona

I free Football Finance has starred all the headlines in the last days, since it informed that the FC Barcelona pretended to exert legal actions in his against by the non-payment of 40 million corresponding euros to a percentage of the sale of Barça Studios, the audiovisual arm of the club. The term of the Barcelona at the end investor won to finals of December and did not exist answer any.

It is worth it to remember that the Barça closed an operation of resale valued in 120 'kilos' with Free and a Cypriot investor, of the hand of NIPA. The last fulfilled with his first payment, in the term indicated, but of the bottom German investor have not had news. Has a balance of debt of 20 'kilos' more other €20m that drag from August. It is very known that the intention of the Barça is to take legal actions by the incumplimento of the payments in the planned terms, but the consequences are important and leave to the club in a situation very, very delicate.

Consequences for Free important

The true is that the consequences in Free have not done expect. In the middle of all the wrap between the holding of global investment and the Catalan entity, to finals of December, produced the resignation of Peter Kenyon, the one who previously had been adviser of clubs like Chelsea or Manchester United, and that carried some time assuming the same charge there. Matthew Hoffer, the president, resigned at the same time.

As they relate from 'SPORT', both resignations produced before it won the term of the Barça for the payment of the 40 million euros. From I Free they left to know that, in the two cases, produced "with immediate effect" and already would be in the research of new representatives for the direction. The elected would be Klaus Brüggermann, the one who is exdirector of human resources of Lufthansa, and to Roland Bischof, with long experience in the sportive marketing.