The FC Barcelona visited the New The Cármenes this Wednesday to play the quarter-finals of the Glass of Rey. But what perhaps no all the culés know is that this visit of the Barça was in a moment delicate for the city of Granada. From two weeks ago, the grenadian have lived several earthquakes that have caused some fear to all the citizens, but that luckily have not caused important damages.

From 23 January, the floor has shivered more than one thousand times in total. The last seism has been just a day before the meeting, since this past Tuesday registered one new of magnitude 3,5. The epicentre of the same located in the population of Granada, Chauchina, but the true is that they noticed it until 60 municipalities. A worrisome case, but that, in principle, did not affect to the Barcelona this Wednesday.

Fortunately, the intensity and the frequency of the replies is diminishing with the step of the days. This is what have ensured from Civil defence and Emergency. Leonardo Marcos, general director, has ensured that the seismic episode is "diminishing regarding frequency and intensity".

Nevertheless, the earthquakes still have not finalised and fits the possibility that the players of Granada and Barça noticed tremors along the party. Luckily, they did not prevent the dispute of the same and the crash played with normality.

Slight previous tremors to the party

This Wednesday registered also some seismic movement, although of toneless intensity. However, from Civil defence follow very attentive just in case and will suit to be very attentive to what can suceder in the next days.