The dates of the Copa del Rey and the Spanish Super Cup
Published:31/07/2019 - 20:32h
Updated:31/07/2019 - 20:32h
The RFEF announced the dates of the Copa del Rey and the Spanish Super Cup this season. The final of the Cup will be on April 18, 2019, while that of the Super Cup will be on January 12
The Real Spanish Federation of Fíutbol already has given to know the dates of the Glass of Rey and of the Supercopa of Spain of this season 2019-2020. The RFEF did a communiqué to announce this and the approval of the new formats in both tournaments. It is necessary to remember that so much the Glass like the Supercopa will change entirely of format of face to this season.
"The Commission Delegated of the Real Spanish Federation of Football has approved the Bases of competition of the official tournaments that organises and that this season will have a new format: the Glass of S. M. The King, the Supercopa of Spain and the Glass RFEF", explained the Spanish Federation to announce the new dates.
In the referred to the Glass, already is official that the eliminatory will be to only party in the stadium of the rival with worse coefficient or of lower category until the semifinals. In 'semis' will go back the format of gone and turn so classical in this tournament. The final will be on 18 April 2020, whereas the 'semis' will be on 12 February and on 4 March of the next 2020.
You date Glass:
- Eliminatory Previous: 13 November 2019.
- First eliminatory: 12 January 2020.
- Dieciseisavos Of final: 22 January 2020.
- Eighth of final: 29 January 2020.
- Quarter-finals: 5 February 2020.
- Semifinals: 12 February and 4 March 2020.
- Final: 18 April 2020, in a headquarters that will go back to decide by draw.
Regarding the Supercopa of Spain, it is necessary to remember also that there will be one 'Final Four' that will play along three days. In two of them will play the two semifinals to only party and afterwards will play the final. The change with regard to the Supercopa of always is notorious, since up to now always has played with two crashes to gone and turn between two clubs. This course, there will be four groups that can aspire to win the trophy: FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Valencia and Athletic of Madrid.
Another of the novelties of the Supercopa is that it will not play in the month of August as it is used to play always. This year, it will contest between 8 January 2020 and on 12 January 2020. The headquarters of the parties still is not clear and the RFEF indicated that "the Real Spanish Federation of Football will be the one who determine where will contest the Supercopa of Spain, having the authority to organise it so much in national territory as in foreign territory".
The dates of the Glass RFEF
The new Real Glass Spanish Federation of Football also has dates. The tournament will play in four eliminatory and a final to only party. The final of this new championship of eliminatory will be on five December 2019, whereas the semifinals will contest on 21 November. All the tournament will play from ocutubre until this month of December.
You date Glass RFEF
- Dieciseisavos Of final. They will contest on 3 October 2019.
- Eighth of final. They will contest on 17 October 2019.
- Quarter-finals. They will contest on 7 November 2019.
- Semifinals. They will contest on 21 November 2019.
- Final. They will contest on 5 December 2019.