Frenkie Of Jong in a warming with the Barça


De Jong has it clear: "If we do not win titles, will not be a good season"

Published:16/04/2021 - 22:42h

Updated:16/04/2021 - 22:42h

Frenkie de Jong has confessed before the final of the Glass of Rey and has left clear that win the titles is key for gurdar a good memory of this season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does a week, before the Classical, Frenkie de Jong said that "LaLiga is in our hands" and highlighted the importance that had the absolute concentration and determination of the team in the last stretch of the season. The Dutch keeps his hopes and trusts that the FC Barcelona goes to be able to fulfil with his aims of this course, whose first proof of fire will have this Saturday, in the final of the Glass of Rey.

In an interview to the newspaper 'PLOUGH', Frenkie of Jong has confessed that lived a moment very difficult after the defeat in the Classical in front of the Real Madrid, by 2-1, but that already is moment to raise and arrive with all the possible spirits to the final of Glass of this Saturday. "We have been some sad days after the Classical , but it is necessary to raise. Now we have an exciting challenge in front. Have options in League and want to raise the first title. Can win it would be important. Already we lost the Supercopa, so it touches us react", recognised.

"I attempt be the same player always. I do not think that I can lose the balloon when I have it"

To his time, has referred to his exert like head office, where has played in several parties in front of the big number of injuries of the defenders, recognising that it is a position that "changes you the way to play because you can not run so many risks. Now well, I attempt be the same player always. I do not think that I can lose the balloon when I have it", aimed.

Although it sees that the Barça is in a good moment, is conscious and that the requirement is maximum and that the fanatical, much more that feelings, expect titles. Thus, it has recognised that "I see him a lot of future to the Barça. We have evolved in the good direction, although there are a lot of things that do not depend on the players", highlighting that "when you are in the Barça have to win titles. If we do not win titles, will not be a good season".

The crisis of the Barça

In addition to reviewing the actuality of the team and the final of the Glass of Rey, the international with Low Countries has pronounced on the complicated institutional situation of the FC Barcelona, highlighting that "they have happened a lot of things since I arrived to Barcelona. It left the president, the pandemia... They have been moments complicated for the Barça. But my work is to centre me in playing. I am happy in the Barça".

Regarding the new president of the club, Joan Laporta, has recognised that it does not know it the sufficient, but that seems him an ideal person to be headed by the Barcelona entity by his attitude. "I do not know it a lot, but by what have seen is a very optimistic person, of those that always are positive. It contributes good energy and this is positive".

Praises to his mates

Of Jong is a big fanatical of his mates in the Camp Nou and has left it see every time that has opportunity. This time, in the interview to the newspaper 'PLOUGH', took advantage of for elogiar to Leo Messi, one of his idols, and to his two 'accomplices' in the centre of the field, Pedri González and Sergio Busquets.

On 'The Flea' has said that "it is the best player that have seen never. When I were 12 years old already was the best of the world. Now I have 23 and follow being it. It is not alone talent, is also mentality". Of Pedri, the young promise of the Spanish football, has aimed that "it is wonderful, has a lot of talent. It is assuming that it takes responsibilities in spite of having only 18 years. It is incredible as it plays, all the world can see it".

Finally, it has desvelado that Sergio Busquets has helped him a lot and that, in fact, advised him before landing in the City Condal. "It has helped me a lot. Already before coming to the Barça spoke with me and explained me things. I am him very grateful. It is a brilliant player that does a lot of cusas important on the lawn. And it will follow doing them", sentenced.