Ronald Araújo v Rayo Vallecano


Araújo enters the Uruguay squad without having received a medical discharge

Published:11/11/2022 - 11:56h

Updated:11/11/2022 - 11:56h

Ronald Araújo has entered the final list of the Uruguayan team for the Qatar World Cup, without having received the medical discharge that confirms his recovery after undergoing surgery

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ronald Araújo, one of the most important defenders in the sportive project of Xavi Hernández in the FC Barcelona, has been summoned by the selection of Uruguay for the World-wide . The defender will accompany to the rest of the group in the expedition course to Catar with the uncertainty of if it will contest or no some party of the tournament, since it has not received the high doctor after his injury.

It is important to remember that the central suffered an avulsión of the sinew of the aductor long of the right thigh in a friendly in front of Iran, what forced him to go through the operating theatre with the end to recover entirely and be available the before possible for the second half of the season. The first presagios indicated that it would lose the appointment mundialista, but his inclusion in the definite list has caused surprise.

A priori, it seems complicated that it contest some commitment of the phase of groups at least until the round of eliminatory, in which the central of the Barça if it could reappear. While, the ex Boston River will continue working to take again the rhythm of competition and will be with the rest of the group to support them like one more in the changing room.

Araújo Has been the first name desvelado by Uruguay in the video where announced to the 26 footballers that will travel to Catar, what is a clear reflection of the importance that has the Barcelona defender deep down 'charrúa'. However, it will be necessary to see if it attains entornarse in the weeks to come and if it achieves the seen well of the two representatives of the Barcelona that will be beside the celestial delegation in Middle East.

The rest of the announcement

  • Goalkeepers: Fernando Muslera, Sergio Rochet and Sebatián Sosa.
  • Defences: José María Giménez, Sebatián Coates, Diego Godín, Martín Cáceres, Ronald Araujo, Guillermo Varela, José Luis Rodríguez, Mathías Olivera, Matías Vineyard.
  • Midfield players: Lucas Torreira, Manuel Ugarte, Matías Neighbouring, Rodrigo Bentancur, Federico Valverde, Facundo Pellistri, Agustín Canobbio, Facundo Torres, Nicolás De la Cruz, Giorgian Of Arrascaeta.
  • Forwards: Maxi Gómez, Luis Suárez, Edinson Cavani and Darwin Núñez.

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