La selección Argentina celebra su pase a las semifinales del Mundial


Argentina, to 'semis'! The 'Dibu' sinks to Netherlands in the penaltis

Published:9/12/2022 - 22:55h

Updated:10/12/2022 - 08:06h

It has lived an authentic madness in the Low Countries-Argentina of the quarter-finals of the Glass of the World. The party finish defining in penaltis and Argentina will confront to Croatia in the semifinals next Tuesday

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The blessed madness of the World-wide... What began like a very calm clash in which Argentina knew how advance and keep the advantage by almost 85 minutes, tocabó being one 'novel' dramatic in which Low Countries resurgió of his ashes (when anybody expected him) to force an extention and back batch of penaltis that finish with the victory of the 'albiceleste'.

The party has been, as little, an authentic madness. The Argentinian of Leo Messi happened to have the totally controlled crash (with a 2-0) to suffer of all the colours, with the notebook of Go Gaal doing effect today more than ever. Low countries was totally was and without life in the minute 80, but the history changed completely in the last stretch of the party. They gave life to the party and left a historical tie in the last played of the statutory time.

In the beginning and by big part of the party, the trained by Lionel Scaloni did not show his more efficient or brilliant version, but yes that that is lethal for 'kill' to the rival (once again, thanks to a Messi that is in a very upper level). In the first-half, the duel was in the blackboard and both teams left a feeling of fear or fear, without hardly approaches or for incomodar to the rival.

In fact, the first played of real danger was the one of the goal of Nahuel Molina with which Argentina opened the marker and, in principle, did not have at all of danger. And it is that in the 35', the one of the Paris Saint-Germain did not have any problem to leave of his marker with the body, won a metre of distance in the mark without touching the balloon to invent a pass sensacional, almost without looking, that received the side of the Athletic.

Molina controlled and defined with the outside of the right boot to command it to the long stick and raise to all of his seats. It was the wake up of an albiceleste that, although it was not being brilliant, knew how take advantage of his clearer opportunity against a 'Oranje' very very planted, but without lucidity to the hour to add to the attack.

Of 'The Flea' were born all the dangerous actions of the party, even in the second half. The one of the PSG knew how break all the lines of the Dutch and in the 59' achieved to enable to Mac Allister, that looked for to Rodrigo of Paúl, but his pass remained in at all. Ten minutes afterwards Messi had his personal opportunity with a direct fault, but the balloon left was 'licking' the crossbar of Noppert.

Of the tranquility to the suffering

Between the big solidity of Argentina and his good game without balloon, with a maximum concentration, the initial plan of Louis go Gaal to expect and react was wearing out of to little because, although they controlled much more the balloon, the approaches to the area of the 'Dibu' Martínez arrived to dropper, especially afterwards that in the 72' Leo Messi 'broke' the party from the point penalti.

The '10' took advantage of of a clear fault of Dumfries on Coin inside the area to confront expensive to face against Noppert and win him. It approached to the spherical to command his shot to the left while the guardameta remained static under the three sticks. It was the apparent 'final' of a party that the 'albiceleste' won by the fast road, but did not have the wake up of the Low Countries.

And it is that, when the party seemed totally enclosed, the ones of Louis go Gaal seeded the fear to the Argentinians: Berguis commanded a centre to the area and Weghorst, with a big twist of neck, commanded the balloon far of the scope of the 'Dibu' Martínez. They could sign the tie a minute afterwards with a finish of Berguis of volley, but finish being very diverted and struck the side of the network, but as the one who does not know what is to surrender, followed behind the tie, that achieved of way milagrosa in the last played of the meeting, to force the extention with a played directly take# out of the notebook of Go Gaal: A direct fault finish with an inner pass that received Weghorst to revolve and cross the balloon, that coló in the goal for the 2-2.

Definition in penaltis

Although in the first-half of the extention the teams did not achieve to hurt, in the second half was Argentina the one who proposed to look for the tiebreaker and brushed it in several occasions, first with a pass of the death of Enzo to Lautaro Martínez, but his finish finish crashing against a solid Go Dijk.


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