Argentina-Spain in the final in Qatar? The great dream of Pedri González
In a recent interview with 'SPORT', Pedri González reviewed the current situation in Spain in the midst of the World Cup dispute and got 'wet' with his dream for the tournament final
In the previous of the dispute of the Morocco vs Spain of the eighth of final of the Glass of the World, Pedri González has conceded an interview to the newspaper 'SPORT' and has reviewed all the details of his actuality in 'The Red' and how is living his first appointment mundialista in which, besides, is being one of the protagonists and engines of the national selection.
The midfield player of 20 years has confessed how felt in the defeat of Spain against Japan, but also how have lived the classification to the eighth and the previous energies to the crash against Morocco, that will be an authentic final. Besides, it has spoken on the Argentinian of Leo Messi and the possibilities to exchange T-shirt with 'The Flea' in a hypothetical final.
It has begun speaking on the end of the phase of groups and his anxiety: "The last party was a hard stick, but are already with many win, are the eighth of final of a World-wide that do not live every day and it is necessary to enjoy", said, adding that it served them the 'prick' because "we have darse# cuenta that all the parties are to life or death. Luckily we have another opportunity and happen round, but if you fail in other ten minutes of disconnection, go you for house".
"I was with the anxiety all the party, asked it to the bench when finish and said me that they went winning"
Pedri Left clear that lived the crash to the limit: "it Went looking the marker and when I saw that Costa Rica was second of group and we, went. It tried to encourage to the mates to look for the goal that put us", confessing besides that "I did not darse when Germany put by in front in the marker and were again seconds. I was with the anxiety all the party, asked it to the bench when finish and said me that they went winning. It was a joy, but a stick by the result".
Prepared to confront to Morocco
On the crash in front of Morocco of the next Tuesday, said that "it is a rival complicated, especially in the physical. It arrives with results very good and it is necessary to have it respect". It will be a reunion with his excompañero Ez Abde,with which has not spoken in the previous: "Surely I will speak with him because we carry us very well, although it is truth that do not speak too much by telephone. It laughed me a lot when it was with us. Morocco is a selection that is not very known but with players cde a lot of potential".
For the moment, they have not studied to the rival: "Still we have not studied in great depth it, we do it one or two days before the parties. The míster says us his good and bad things, although we have seen the parties of the World-wide and know how play".
Assessment to his participation
On how it has felt in full dispute of the World-wide, stood out that "I notice that it is a tournament that has a lot of more repercussion was. A goal or an action goes out the triple of times of what would be in the League or in the Champions. In this notices , after all is a party with the selection, that all are important" and is expecting to mark his first goal: "I Want to mark my first goal with the selcción. If me it sigio saving, ojalá arrive here, during the World-wide".
Final against Messi?
To Pedri also have asked after him the Argentinian of Leo Messi, that has classified to the quarter-finals. Of the party against Australia, reviewed that "yes, has a group of players very good. It notices the good roll that have. They have of the best of the world and think that the best player that have seen in my life as it is Leo. It is a plus to his favour. It saw with the goal that attains in front of Australia and marks the differences".
On if it has changed some time a T-shirt, said that "I changed it with David Scrape, if it is that it explains, because it wanted to one of him. With the other teams, still no", although it confessed that it would like him tener "the one of Leo [Messi], like this would see us in a hypothetical final".