Gavi. 18 years, 90 million euros


Gavi confesses the request made by Luis Enrique

Published:24/11/2022 - 16:43h

Updated:24/11/2022 - 16:43h

Gavi Has debuted like one of the big stars of this World-wide of Qatar. Part of the responsibility has it Luis Enrique that it did him a particular request

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gavi Has been one of the proper names of the first day of the phase of groups of the World-wide of Qatar. The player of the FC Barcelona comported like one of the engines of Spain in his exhibition against Costa Rica, that finish with a holgado 7-0 in which the midfield player, besides, also converted to première like goleador in a Glass of the World.

It did sufficient merits to carry the prize of 'MVP' and has begun to step strong in the tournament, although it still remains a lot of way by in front. Gavi Is fulfilling his big dream and like this has confessed it in a recent interview awarded to 'Iberian Press'. In the same stood out, besides, the key of his big performance... Thanks to a request of Luis Enrique.

It has spoken, first, on what means to play with Pedri González, also with 'The Red'. It stood out that "it is a big fellow, out of the field happen it to us very well and this also reflects in the terrain of game. It is a show of footballer and does you that all was much easier. It is an enjoyed have it of mate".

On the environment with his mates and the staff Spanish, highlighted that "the environment in the team is very good, between the youngsters and also with the veterans, the captains, Busquets, Jordi or Koke give us very good councils and has formed a special chemistry".

Surrendered in front of Luis Enrique

Before confessing what has asked him Luis Enrique, Gavi confessed that it is "very grateful to the míster and his staff for having believed in me. They give me a lot of confidence and tácticamente help me to grow like footballer with his councils. Still it remains me a lot of margin to improve and it is necessary to work a lot", aiming that "we go out to win all the parties, with ambition, the intention against Germany will be the same that Costa Rica. We are a team with a lot of ambition and leave it everything in each party, was cual was the rival".

Likewise, it stood out that "the míster asks us to the interiors that step the area, that try to do goals. Here we are a team, all have to defend and try mark". On being the third goleador younger in a World-wide, highlighted that it impresses him because his name is "near of the numbers of legends as I Peeled, although have clear that the important is to help to the team to win and do a big World-wide".

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