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Did the tiki-taka 'die'? The World Cup confirms the lack of interest in possession

Published:12/12/2022 - 14:56h

Updated:12/12/2022 - 14:56h

Spain made it very clear that touching the ball more no longer assures you even shots on goal. La Roja exceeded a thousand touches and also equalized without goals against Morocco, a selection that used the same formula against Portugal

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Morocco has reached the first semifinals of a Glass of the World in the history of an African team thanks to a big defensive structure. The Moroccan team only has received a goal -in own door- in spite of 'never' have had the balloon. His percentage of possession lower was against Portugal (22%), followed of the party of Spain (23%). Neither against Croatia neither Belgium have surpassed 35% of possession, only against Canada elevated to 41% by 59% the Canadians.

The Portuguese team complained of the defensive posture of his rival, although at all times Morocco left clear that that would be his plan of party, something that increased with the 1-0 achieved in the end of the first time. All the data related with the possession show that to do a correct party, dynamic and effective every time needs less than the balloon.

In fact, the footballer that in the party presionó more defensivamente, Azzedine Ounahi, simply commissioned of incomodar in each played the maximum possible to Bernardo Silva. Recovering fast or no, Morocco had clear that wanted to attack with few touch, or in his defect, move away the maximum possible the balloon of his guardameta Bono.

Another important example of this tendency was the France against England, up to now the best party of the World-wide surely. The team Frenchman tried to handle his attacks with Griezmann, but equally lost the possession of balloon with the English team. The selection gala showed that each footballer knows perfectly what has to do, especially Giroud.

All changed?

The bad news Are having it the important teams, the full of talent, that no longer can win a party simply for putting better players that the rival on the field of game. The physical evolution of the football and of the own footballers does that you can attack without having the balloon and the defend you without him was increasingly 'simple'. The statistics is here. In this World-wide, up to now, the surprise has given it the selection that less wants the balloon but that greater performance takes out to his goals.

Argentina and Croatia have advanced in this Glass of the World with the luck to have two of the best players of the tournament, Leo Messi and Luka Modric. France is the one who better impression has left because it is almost perfect in all the lines. The ones of Deschamps have to the maximum goleador (Mbappé, with 5 goals) and to the maximum asistidor (Griezmann, with 3) and besides add him a good couple of head offices and a half of the able field of replegarse during several minutes or attack consecutively until achieving a goal.

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