Luis Enrique announces that he will be a streamer in Qatar!
Published:15/11/2022 - 01:33h
Updated:15/11/2022 - 01:33h
Luis Enrique has once again surprised locals and strangers with what will be, from November 18, his new project at the helm of the Spanish National Team. The coach confirmed that he will be a streamer during the tournament, recounting his World Cup experience
Spain will live a World-wide different from the debut of The Red next Wednesday 23 November and Luis Enrique will have a lot that see with this. The seleccionador, widely questioned by his decisions and his character, surprised this Monday with a very particular announcement. The Catalan technician confirmed that it will be streamer during the Glass of the World, transmitting live his experiences and the one of his technical body during the tournament.
"Hello To all. Streamers Of the world, separate you, that go slope down and without brakes. I record this video to announce you that I have done me streamer. Well, I have not done me streamer because this is a video, still have not debuted. But my intention is 'streamear' along the time that are in Doha (Qatar)", began saying the trainer of 52 years. From the weekend, Ibai Flat and company will have competition in the world streamer.
A video to express an idea…
— LUISENRIQUE (@LUISENRIQUE21) November 14, 2022
Besides, the technician explained how will be his experience in Qatar with the fanatical. "We arrive the day 18 of morning and think that will be able to begin to 'streamear' this same day. It is an idea that splits of a way a bit descabellada but think that can be interesting. The idea is simply establish a direct relation with the fans to which can interest them the information on the Selection, explained everything from a particular point of view as it is mine and the one of my 'staff' and establish a direct and more spontaneous relation.", it added 'I Struggle'.
Of this way, the ex technician of the FC Barcelona will mark a milestone in the sportive communications. For the first time, a seleccionador national will explain live his experiences during a tournament, in this case the Glass of the World. With his particular irreverence, Luis Enrique surely will break records of audience in Spain with his live transmissions during his stay in Qatar.
Luis Enrique promises surprises like streamer
"Only I can improve because the light now is not the suitable and the micro is of Third division. Have many win to live what is the environment and the pressure of a World-wide and to have this communication with you. I command you a greeting. Goodbye! Until prompt!", it finalised 'I Struggle' in his publication through Twitter. The direct will transmit through Twicht and Instagram, in principle, although afterwards they could add more platforms