Ronald Araújo in a match with Uruguay


The meaningful message of Ronald Araújo after entering the Uruguayan list

Published:12/11/2022 - 11:20h

Updated:13/11/2022 - 12:27h

Ronald Araújo, one of the most important defenders of Uruguay and Barça, has used his social networks to upload a video of thanks and celebration for entering the list of summoned to the World Cup

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The announcements of the different selections that will assist to the next World-wide of Catar have been all a feeling in the social networks, especially by the different incógnitas that there are surroundings to the preferences of the trainers when making the staff. Some players have recorded so that his followers see his reactions, whereas another have left moving messages once confirm his participation.

One of them has been Ronald Araújo, the footballer of the FC Barcelona and of the selection of Uruguay. The defender was doubt for the appointment mundialista due to the fact that it has not received still the high doctor after his operation of the sinew of the aductor long of the right thigh, what kept him to the expectation while it worked in his recovery in the installations of the Barcelona group.

However, the seleccionador 'charrúa' Diego Alonso included to the central in the list of the 26 players that will assist to the appointment mundialista, what has caused big stir because of the doubt that existed on his participation. Like this the things, the own defender has published a video in his profile of 'Twitter' where relates what has crossed in the last months with the injury and his gratitude for being able to contest the Glass of the World.

"Since it was only a boy in Rivera dreamed with dressing the 'celestial' and a day represent to me country in a World-wide. These last months were very difficult but confronted them with a lot of fé and trusting that God could do this miracle. And here I am. The dream follows intact. Go Uruguay!", it affirmed Araújo, leaving clear that will be present beside the rest of the group in Catar.

Emissaries of the Barça

With this on the table, the Barcelona has decided to send to two medical representatives beside the Uruguayan delegation to analyse the evolution of the 'oriental' with his injury. For the moment it has not received the seen well of the club and seems complicated that it contest some party of the phase of group, although if it could do it in the eliminatory round if it attains to go in in competitive rhythm in the weeks to come.