Luis Enrique during his stage like trainer of the Barça


The 'bombshell' that Luis Enrique could be preparing for the list of Spain

Published:10/11/2022 - 19:13h

Updated:11/11/2022 - 07:29h

The Spanish football will know this Friday the summoned for the Glass of the World of Qatar. Luis Enrique, technician of The Red, will announce to the 26 footballers, where could be included Sergio Bouquets

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the big interrogantes of the announcement of Luis Enrique, foreseen for this Friday to the 12:30 hours, is if it will include finally to the defender Sergio Bouquets. The central has recovered this season the stray leadership, once surpassed his problems of injuries, becoming an usual headline with the PSG, now in a line of three defenders.

Bouquets has turned into one of the pillars in defence of the French group and, of entrance, was included in the prelista of Luis Enrique. In front of this, the player has showed that it already is again to compete to the maximum level and could contribute to a struck defence of The Red, that will arrive with Laporte like pienza fundamental.

To be summoned, would be all a bombazo, since it has not gone in in the plans of the seleccionador in the last months. There is, equally, a reasonable doubt, since the centre of the defence is one of the positions that more interrogantes generates of the announcement. In addition to the central of the City, that began the season lesionado, are Eric Garcia (FC Barcelona) and Pau Torres (Villarreal). Also it has a lot of numbers to be Iñigo Martínez (Athletic).

The possibilities are real

The prelista of Luis Enrique includes also to the central Diego Llorente (Leeds), Raúl Albiol (Villarreal) and Gerard Hammered (Barça). Another bombazo would be the presence of Hammered, that right now seems descartada afterwards that the Barcelona footballer announced his withdrawal like professional footballer and played his last party with the club culé the past weekend in the Camp Nou.

The planned stage is that Luis Enrique bet by an announcement with four clear head offices and a joker. Azpilicueta (Chelsea) is the clearest case, but Luis Enrique also has the possibility to bet by Marcos Alonso (Barça), a carrilero, that is playing of head office in the Barça from does several weeks with very good performances so much in League as in Champions.

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