Gianni Infantino, President of FIFA


FIFA warns: The teams will not be able to criticize the referees

Published:10/12/2022 - 18:17h

Updated:10/12/2022 - 18:17h

FIFA has taken a radical stance following criticism of Mateu Lahoz's refereeing in the Netherlands-Argentina match. In addition to opening a disciplinary file for both teams, the entity prohibited criticism of refereeing for the rest of the World Cup

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Neither Argentina neither Low Countries will be able to present a formal complaint against the arbitration of the Spanish Mateu Lahoz in the party of quarter-finals. The FIFA has forbidden to the selections present protests on the referee's performances by what subtracts of the World-wide and, besides, confirmed that the Disciplinary Commission will commission to analyse all the occurred during and after the party between sudamericanos and Dutch, by which could have hard sanctions for the 'albiceleste'.

"They will not be able to present protests against the decisions of the referee on facts sucedidos in the party. These decisions are firm and unappealable, save in the cases in that the Disciplinary Code of the FIFA stipulate the contrary", explains the FIFA in the Regulation of the World-wide. Of this way, neither players neither trainers will be able to criticise the referee's decisions during or after a party.

In this sense, the Regulation stipulates that the selections will be able to formulate protests on the party, unrelated with the arbitration, in the 48 following hours to his culmination. "Except that stipulate of another way in the present article, the protests will remit by writing to the director of party of the FIFA during the 2 back hours to the meeting; likewise, it will have to present act followed a complete report by writing that include a copy of the original protest", clears the document.

These reports of protest have to send by writing to the operative centre of the FIFA in the host country (Qatar, in this case) during the 24 following hours to the term of the party object of the catchword. If the selections do not fulfil with this procedure, the FIFA desestimará the complaint, all this as long as the same do not refer to any of the decisions taken by the referee's body in field neither in the VAR.

Low countries also loaded against Mateu

Although the alone Disciplinary Committee announced possible sanctions against Argentina, several players of Low Countries also criticised to the Spanish referee. In this regard, Frenkie of Jong said that Mateu "is a good type, a good referee. But here it was further of the reason. I think that it lost in the extention. Well it could be that the greatness of Lionel Messi have influenced in this. It is not fault of the referee, but affected the game".

Likewise, the defender Jurrien Timber affirmed that "had fear that suddenly it took out a second yellow card. Never it knew with him". More mesurado was Louis go Gaal, the one who doubted on the penalti sanctioned by Lahoz in the second part. "Want to see again it, this penal. And all the time lost by the Argentinians... But we do not lose by fault of the referee, because we follow empatados", sentenced the Dutch technician.