The arbitration controversies that left Uruguay out of the World Cup
Despite the fact that Uruguay beat Ghana, the team coached by Diego Alonso has not qualified for the round of 16 after South Korea beat Portugal... and due to various arbitration controversies
Late quite grey for Uruguay, that has remained out of the World-wide in phase of groups. The selection trained by Diego Alonso did what had to do (win to Ghana), but carried the surprise that South Korea won 'in extremis' in front of Portugal, by the minimum. The 'celestial' remained to a goal to put in the eighth of final, but... It could be different the history for them?
There is a reality and is that Uruguay woke up very late in the World-wide. It was not hit of face to the goal against South Korea and in front of Portugal remained to half gas. It depended on a miracle to classify, but directed very soon with a doublet of Of Arrascaeta in the first half hour of party. The stage seemed ideal for the 'celestial', but the performance of the referee's referee left them in a very complex situation.
And it is that in the Ghana-Uruguay existed three actions in which the arbitration remained quite discussed. First in the penalti signalled in favour of the ghaneses after Rochet trabara to Kudus inside the area, in an action that generated more doubts that certainties. Daniel Siebert gave the maximum penalty to the African, although the guardameta charrúa did big in front of Ayew to detain his shot under the three sticks.
Two penaltis in favour of Uruguay?
Although it is true that the 'saved' of Rochet gave an extra life to the Uruguayans, that went out to look for and win the party with the doublet of Of Arrascaeta, in the second half lived two actions that, as little, were quite doubtful and that they could mean a penalti in favour of the sudamericanos. The first arrived in the 56' when the midfield player of the Flamengo yielded a good pass to Darwin Nuñez so that it began a career, but inside the area finished in the floor by a fault with Amartey.
The action was worthy to review and Daniel Siebert was to the monitor, but finish without maximum penalty because the footballer ghanés had brushed the balloon and carried to Darwin backwards. An interpretation that from the selection of Uruguay did not understand at all. In the discount, went even worse: The referee did not take part to review a clear contact on Cavani when it was in the area. "They follow, they follow", it left clear for an Uruguay that, by a decision more than questionable, sacked of his dream mundialista.