Luis Enrique after the elimination of Spain


They were waiting for him: The sticks of the "Spanish" press to Luis Enrique

Published:6/12/2022 - 20:40h

Updated:6/12/2022 - 20:40h

The elimination of the Spanish National Team from the World Cup begins to bring a tail. Once the defeat against Morocco was certified, several Spanish journalists charged hard against Luis Enrique

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The Spanish Selection suffered a hard and unexpected 'varapalo' during the afternoon of this Tuesday in the Education City. The 'Red' confronted to the combined of Morocco in the eighth of final of the World-wide Glass of Qatar 2022 and, a priori, were wide favourites to achieve the pass to the following round. Nevertheless, the African surprised with an infranqueable pose defensive and attained the victory by penaltis 'thank you' to an enormous Bono. Once certified the elimination of the team, several journalists loaded against Luis Enrique, to the one who signal like the big culprit of the 'failure' Iberian.

"All what had built Luis Enrique in this time has gone to rack and ruin in the most important moment. Partly, by own decisions of the seleccionador. In what thought when it removed to Gavi? Why not giving the alternative to Nico and Morata of start? It lost as in Russia. There are things that do not change and yes that they are a topicazo using the slang of Luis Enrique", commented from the newspaper 'ACE', where give by finished the project of the Asturian.

By his part, Tomás Roncero, Spanish journalist, did 'firewood' of the 'tree fallen' and attacked to the trainer by his streamings. "Luis Enrique has died of success perhaps obnubilado by his streamings. The best had been to renounce to any of them and prepare the batches of penaltis. A penalty, because the youngsters remained sunk by the obstinacy to keep an idea that in front of Morocco carried us to the disaster. Fall in eighth in front of Morocco is a failure without palliative. Luis Enrique now will go and anybody knows what goes to happen with our selection. It remains some whole fans with a country desolado and without illusions", manifested.

By his part, from the newspaper 'MARK' have given the seen well to the detractores of the trainer to blame him by the elimination. "The style innegociable of this selection was the one who more approached to the victory. Or this at least said Luis Enrique, to the that I believed to feet juntillas because it convinced me his message and what saw in the whiles that opened the trainings. We do not go us to go down now of the Luchoneta, but his detractores have reasons to load all the responsibility of the elimination on the seleccionador", ensured.

Hard 'stick' of the Madrilenian TV

Finally, the Madrilenian TV did not leave to happen the opportunity to attack to the trainer. "ABSOLUTE FAILURE like TRAINER, SELECCIONADOR and STREAMER" and "There Have been PEOPLE that has SPENT 1.500 EUROS!" They are only some of the pleas made by the tertulianos of the recognised program 'The Chiringuito of Jugones', leaving clear that were expecting the fall of the seleccionador for 'hit him' in the 'flat'.

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