To chambers! Low countries did not yield in front of some United States that gave 'war' (3-1)
Already it knows to the first classified selection to the quarter-finals of the World-wide of Qatar. Some big Low Countries won to United States in a very complete party with Memphis Depay of goleador
United States had appeared in this Glass of the World like one of the big surprises of the championship and has not surrendered to the end to complicate to some Low Countries that, with patience, good rhythm and tarpaulin in the last pass has achieved his pass to the quarter-finals and keeps alive the dream to raise the trophy that has resisted him in all his history. With Memphis Depay like one of the protagonists, the 'orange mechanical' follow more alive that nuna in Qatar.
Although the Americans began with much more impetus and with a high pressure almost asfixiante that it baffled to Low Countries, went the European selection the one who had more tarpaulin in the rival area and cost of a big contragolpe that took out to relucir all the defensive lacks of United States: Gakpo opened to the band so that Dumfries centred and Memphis nailed it to the deepest of the network from the point penalti.
It supposed the goal number 43 of the forward of the FC Barcelona with the 'Oranje' (second maximum goleador historical, by behind Van Persie) and also the wake up of the Dutch to minimise the big start of the Americans, that until before the goal had been very upper. The ones of Gregg Berhalter tried to react and achieved to plant, in a pair of occasions, in the frontal of the area, but without tarpaulin for 'concern' to Noppert.
So much so, in spite of the big opportunity that had Weah with a shot to goal that the guardameta Dutch covered with difficulty and another with a confined lethal of Sergiño Dest without fineness in the definition, went the 'Oranje' that, with a played practically identical to the one of the goal of Memphis, went back to move the marker: Dumfries gave a pass backwards so that it finished from the point penalti Blind and put a comfortable 2-0.
Low countries did not yield
This did not mean that 'the yanks' gave by defeated, because in the resumption went back to presionar and look for, at least, the discount that allowed them go back to put in the party. The clearest arrived when Gakpo took out almost on line background a finish of Ream after the exit of a corner, but in the reaction was the own American the one who almost signs a 3-0 lethal after an attempt of clear to a shot of Memphis. Turner finish saving.
The Barcelona attacker was being the big protagonist of the party and justified the infinite confidence that has him Louis go Gaal. It was being a player indescifrable for the amaricanos and looked for, anyway, go back to drill the goal: it tried It, once again, with a latigazo that Turner commanded was, and afterwards with a head butt that the guardameta went back to clear almost of miracle.
The madness installed in the last fifteen minutes, because United States discounted with a goal of Wright after a centre of Pulisic that surpassed to Noppert to put in the deepest of the network, but shortly after Dumfries commissioned to go back to put the difference after a pass of Blind that finished with the left for the 3-1 final.
Low countries has got in the quarter finals of the Glass of the World and will go back to play next Friday 9 December (16:00 hours, in Spain). Although they have come of less to more, the ones of Louis go Gaal begin to present like one of the solidest selections of the tournament (only carry a goal against) and already, obviously, are candidates to the title.