robert lewandowski polonia


Austria does not believe the mystery of Poland with Robert Lewandowski

Published:20/06/2024 - 16:40h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 16:40h

Robert Lewandowski could return to the playing field this Friday against Austria. Ralf Rangnick, coach of the 'Wunderteam', assured that his team is preparing to face the scorer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The combined of Poland received a hard hit in the previous of his debut in the Eurocopa 2024 with the drop of Robert Lewandowski. The forward of the FC Barcelona abandoned the terrain of game in the last friendly of his previous selection to the continental tournament in front of Turkey by a muscular ailment, problem that kept him section of the lawn in the debut of the 'Eagles' in front of Low Countries.

However, everything indicated that the ariete would go back to the team to confront to Austria in the second day of the European appointment, but in Poland play to the distraction and have not confirmed the return of the goleador. A situation that has put in alert to the combined Austrian, where prepare to confront to the forward. "We think that Lewy will play. This does not change our approach, although we know that he is the Polish player by excellence", confessed the seleccionador of the 'Wunderteam', Ralf Rangnick.

"We know the dangerous that it is in the area. This does that it was even more important for us control the party to avoid that the have possibility to show his conditions", continued saying the ex trainer of the Manchester United, leaving clear that his group studies the party taking in consideration the presence of Robert.

To 'life or death'

On the other hand, the trainer ensured that the duel in front of Austria will be transcendental in the aspirations of both teams to continue in the tournament. "The one who win keeps possibilities to be still in the tournament and a tie does not serve him a lot to any of the two. Theoretically a tie would leave possibilities to the two but Poland would have to win him to France in the last day and we to Low Countries. We do not want to arrive with this pressure and think that they neither", manifested Rangnick, that will put all the 'meat in the asador' to avoid that Lewandowski carry the triumph in his turn to the 'film'.

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