nico williams joshua kimmich eurocopa


Decisive crossover? Barça could decide between Nico Williams and Kimmich after Spain-Germany

Published:3/07/2024 - 23:56h

Updated:4/07/2024 - 03:01h

FC Barcelona will follow with special attention the quarter-final duel of the Euro Cup between Spain and Germany. The match poses a hand-to-hand duel on the side between Nico Williams and Joshua Kimmich, two culés objectives in the summer market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Spain-corresponding Germany to the quarter-finals of the Eurocopa 2024 will have to all the world of the attentive football to what suceda in Stuttgart this Friday. For the FC Barcelona, in addition to the interest that supposes to have to six of his seven international (without explaining to the Joaos) that are still in action in the tournament, the duel will be still in 'key market' by the particular clash that will sustain two of his main aims for the market estival.

Nico Williams and Joshua Kimmich will have an intense day that it can be determinant for the resolution of the party, since the Basque extreme is, beside Lamine Yamal, the main offensive letter of The Red, whereas the '6' has commissioned to give solidity and depth to the 'mannschaft' like right side, a position that, although it is not his favourite, is where more shooting accumulates so much in his selection as in the Bayern Munich.

Kimmich Will look for to surpass a negative precedent in front of one of the 'cracks' of LaLiga

For Joshua, the hand manually in front of Nico can revive ghosts of the recent past. The one of Rotweil happened it very bad in the 'semis' of Champions in front of the Real Madrid with the task to mark to Vinicius Jr. So much in the gone as in the turn, the Brazilian surpassed him with clarity, a prececente that the minor of Williams can take like reference to deploy his usual explosividad by the side.

In the previous press conference to the duel in front of The Red, Kimmich left clear that, although they consider to Spain like a difficult rival, the Selection neither has to fiarse of his good moment. "Have two good boys in the bands (Lamine and Nico). It will be very interesting. Of course, it is necessary to try find solutions in team. Surely they will present us one or two situations one to one. We will see what happens here", argued the still player of the Bayern Munich.

Nico Williams will confront his first big international duel

By his part, Nico will have in front of Germany his first rival of weight in a big international duel. The one of Pamplona lives his first tournament with Spain and, for the moment, has not contested European competitions with the Athletic Club, one of the reasons that the 'lions' look for to use like excuse to retain him, at least, a year more, since the ones of Ernesto Valverde attained to classify in the 23/24 to the Europe League. In the meantime, the Barça will follow the decisive crossing of chambers of the Euro with special attention, waiting for having money and margin salarial sufficient to reinforce .

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