Joao Félix does not cross the best of the moments in Portugal. The footballer did not contest neither an alone minute in the two first days of the Eurocopa, situation that shot the rumours on a possible bad relation with the trainer of the selection, Roberto Martínez. However, the player denied categorically these 'runrunes' in press conference, ensuring that "I do not see these news, but arrived him to my brother and me it reenvió. Of course that it is lie, if no would not be here. It is a fault more than respect to my name and also to the name of the trainer and of the selection in general".

"I get along. Unfortunately or luckily, this situation already has happened me in the clubs in which I have been and this has helped me to know react in front of these situations. I am here, I am one more, and whenever they need me will be here to help in all what can", continued.

The attacker 'resolved' the rumours recalcando that his relation with the trainer is cordial. "The confidence that have in him and he in me is the same. It depends on each one, in some stages, play more or less. He chose to not to put me in these two parties and only have to respect the decision. It is the trainer and he is the one who decides. It proposed speak with me and leave clear that have 100% of confidence the one in the another. I said him that when it need me, I will be here to help it to him, to the country and to the team", resolved.

His fault of minutes

On his fault of continuity in the selection, as well as to level of clubs, Joao admitted that "honestly, is difficult to answer to this question. Always deal to do it the best that can, always work to be the best and help. The things have not gone well in some situations, but never will see me surrender me and am safe that still they will see me triumph, as they always thought since I appeared in the Benfica. The best moments are for arriving"

Finally, 'rajó' against the press, affirming that "sometimes they put in doubt my professionalism and passion by the game. There are few things that bother me more than this. They say and they speak, and what write are lies, like this history to having debated with the trainer and presionarlo. This bothers me and saddens me because, along my career, will happen many times. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like this and are people that do not like me and to which contempt".