Ronald Koeman in a Dutch national team match


Koeman blames Barça for the injury that will cause Frenkie de Jong to miss the Euro Cup

Published:11/06/2024 - 00:11h

Updated:11/06/2024 - 07:34h

Ronald Koeman charged against FC Barcelona after confirming Frenkie de Jong's withdrawal from the Euro Cup. For the Dutch coach, Barça is responsible for his injury for forcing him to return early in April

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After confirming the drop, by injury, of Frenkie of Jong of the next Eurocopa, Ronald Koeman criticised to the FC Barcelona for having advanced the return of the mediocentro in April, after the '21' went back to resentirse of the right ankle to beginnings of March. In principle, the player of 27 years would have the high doctor inside a pair of weeks, but do not give him the terms to arrive to the continental tournament.

"We have decided it this afternoon. We have considered that Frenkie will not be in shape during the next three weeks. Had antecedents with this injury in the ankle and does not suit to risk. His club yes risked before and now is necessary to pay the price", sentenced the seleccionador Dutch. The one of Arkel suffered three injuries in his ankle during the 2023/24, the last in the Classical contested in Santiago Bernabéu the past 21 April.

Of Jong also thinks that risked too much after his second injury

In this regard, the mediocentro also had signalled the have shortened terms for his return in the final stretch of the season like the reason of his relapse. "The second time perhaps began to play too prompt and the injury still was in my head", explained the footballer. Of Jong had fallen lesionado on 3 March in Saint Mamés in front of the Athletic and, although it projected a drop by at least six weeks, returned to the action on 10 April, by Champions, in front of the PSG.

This day played 75 minutes in the gone contested in Paris. A week later, the 16, noticed extenuado during the 82 minutes that contested in Montjuïc. The weekend would say goodbye to the season in the Classical after a crossing with Fede Valverde just before the rest. In the first turn of the 23/24 also had had problems with the ankle, going out lesionado of the Barça-Celtic contested on 23 September. This time, his drop prolonged by two months, reappearing in Vallecas on 25 November.

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