The selection of Spain and the FC Barcelona received very bad news in the meeting contested by the Red in front of corresponding Germany to the quarter-finals of the Eurocopa 2024. Pedri González had to abandon the terrain of game to the minute 7 of the party when suffering an injury that the prevented to continue on the lawn.

It ran the minute 3 of the party when Toni Kroos made a hard entrance to the Canarian in an attempt to recover the balloon. The Barcelona footballer fell on the field while his mates demanded to the referee, that not even admonished to the German midfield player. Pedri Tried reincorporarse to the game after receiving medical assistance, but the hit suffered prevented him follow running on the field.

A pair of minutes afterwards went back to tumbar in the floor, this time leaving clear that could not continue in the party. The player left limping and between tears to the changing rooms to give him gone in to Dani Elm, while his mates in the bench sacked him between embraces and samples of support.

It sacks of the Eurocopa

To the halftime, the Real Spanish Federation of Football did publish a communiqué where confirmed that the Tenerifean suffered a sprain of knee. "The medical services value an internal lateral sprain in the left knee of Pedri. Slope of proofs to value the degree of the injury and descartar injuries associated", prayed the message spread by the RFEF.

Of this way, remains for seeing the time that will be of drop the footballer culé. Everything will depend of the level of the sprain, but the true is that González will not go back to play with Spain in the continental tournament. This type of injuries are used to not needing surgical intervention, and if it is slight, the recovery could carry between two and six weeks. If it is of half degree, the midfield player could be between six and eight weeks in the dry dam, and if it is grave can be between six and eight weeks separated of the terrains of game.