In the European tournament sub-17, Lamine Yamal annotated a goal to France. The youngster of 16 years raised the balloon from out of the area in front of a goalkeeper that could not do at all to brake the shot. However, the French finish winning the duel afterwards that his offensive reacted to guarantee his hegemony after the rest. Now the history is distinct, the forward of the FC Barcelona confronts to the Frenchmen in the Eurocopa and dressing the T-shirt of the selection of Luis de la Fuente.

The three assistances of the canterano of the Barcelona group call the attention of all by his leadership in the plantel. Specifically the one of Esplugues of Llobregat is the player with more passes to goal during this competition. The attacker shows to be a decisive figure because it has been behind the played that have defined the parties. On the other hand, the forward is the first footballer of the history with less than 20 years that took three hits in this European tournament.

The spectacular data of the forward of the Barça

Lamine Yamal is a key piece in the goals of Spain in the Eurocopa 2024. The Catalan has participated in 27% of the goals of the national selection in what it goes of competition. Therefore, the plantel of Didier Deschamps look for to define the next meeting that contest in semifinals because they are conscious of the danger that represents the youngster. Before the party of the Tuesday, the own Jules Koundé recognises that they confront to a difficult selection to manage in the offensive.

In some statements conceded to 'SPORT', the French footballer sincere on the paper of his mate in the FC Barcelona: "Lamine is a big part of the danger of the Spanish selection, but I would say that the greater danger is the team in his group". Later, the defender comments that it is "incredible" to see the season of the forward in spite of his age. In this context, France arrives to the ready semifinals in front of a group that bets by the youngsters and conditions to his rivals.