The explosion at the Euro Cup by Lobotka, one of the means that Xavi requested for FC Barcelona
Published:18/06/2024 - 21:32h
Updated:19/06/2024 - 14:42h
Stanislav Lobotka had a truly memorable performance in Slovakia's Euro Cup debut against Belgium, being named the 'MVP' of the match. This outstanding performance further supports why Xavi Hernández considered him as a desired reinforcement for the FC Barcelona midfield
The 'was Xavi Hernández' in the FC Barcelona already is history. Nevertheless, in the memory of her remain some questions, as for example some of the players by which showed some predilection and to those who had promoted his arrival to the Barcelona picture to reinforce, especially, a key zone of the terrain of game: the area of mediocentros.
One of these names, perhaps the less mediático of all the mentioned in the rumours of market of the combined Barcelona, went the one of Stanislav Lobotka, a mediocentro Slovakian of 29 years of age. During the previous press conference to the commitment between the FC Barcelona and the Naples that took place on 12 March 2024, the one of Terrassa did not doubt in positioning it like one of the key players of the picture 'Partenopeo' and admitted that it would like him see it in a club like the Barça.
The price of the mediocentro was prohibitivo for the FC Barcelona
In this moment, because of the surprising and declared taste of the egarense by Lobotka, his name began to have greater presence in the list of possible mediocentros that could reinforce to the combined Catalan, especially when his agent, Branislav Jasurek, revealed the unexpected contacts between both parts in plough to concretise a possible traspaso. "We speak of this with Deco. The Barcelona the ficharía, but have to happen a lot of things", aseveró the representative.
However, the operation seemed to complicate because of economic subjects, since Lobotka, the one who already approaches to the 30 years of age and has agreement until 2027 with the Naples, as it commented in 'Il Mattino', would not go out of the picture napolitano by less than 50 million euros, a figure prohibitiva for the FC Barcelona. This seemed to cool even more the operation, that at present, without the presence of Xavi in the Barcelonan group, seems to lose strength in comparison with his stage like trainer.
Lobotka Had a flawless debut in the Eurocopa in front of Belgium
Nevertheless, the name of Lobotka keeps on being notable, no by his possible links to the Barcelona cast, but rather by his participation with the selection of Slovakia in the debut in the Eurocopa against Belgium (0-1), where stood out and was appointed the 'Player of the Match'. This victory in front of the 'Red Devils' promise to be crucial in the aspirations of the Slovakian team to trascend to the following round of this contest.
Now, in the commitment against Belgium, the one of the Naples was an authentic director of orchestra in the distribution of balloons in the medullary zone, hitting 42 of the 46 passes that tried to make. To his time, had an exert stood out in the defensive appearance, leading to his selected in intercepciones (two) and showing a remarkable capacity to recover balloons, since it attained recobrar until eight spherical.
It was a flawless performance that backed in some measure the vision of Xavi Hernández when positioning to Lobotka like an ideal reinforcement for the cast of the City Condal. However, every time it seems more unlikely, since the own Stanislav pronounced on his possible permanence in the picture 'Partenopeo' when it received the prize to the 'MVP' in the clash against the Belgian. "The Naples put in contact with me and wants to that it continue with them. I seat me well in Naples. So I will remain me", it concluded.