Frenkie de Jong in training with Barça


Frenkie de Jong’s painful lament after his absence at the Euro

Published:11/06/2024 - 08:46h

Updated:11/06/2024 - 09:27h

Frankie of Jong will not be able to contest his second Eurocopa. The Dutch has not recovered of his more recent problem of ankle, by what has left a message with his reaction in front of the hard news

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Low countries announced this Monday the drop of Frenkie of Jong for the Eurocopa of Germany, which will begin this next Friday 14 June. The mediocampista of the FC Barcelona will not be able to be in the appointment with his selection after not achieving recover to time of the injury that had suffered after a crash with the madridista Fede Valverde in the Classical of LaLiga EA SPORTS that contested to finals of the month of April.

Of this way, Of Jong now will return to Barcelona to follow his process of recovery and be to 100% for the preparation of the season that comes. After knowing his absence of the team that directs Ronald Koeman, and as it was to expect , Frenkie sent a message for all the fans 'orange', leaving see the hit that has meant him his absence in a so important tournament for his country. "I am sad and disappointed of not arriving to the Eurocopa", explained initially the midfield player.

Of Jong shows the hard hit of his absence

"We have been doing a lot the last weeks, but my ankle needs more time unfortunately", admitted an Of Jong that has had to happen until in three occasions by the infirmary for the first time from his arrival to the Barça in 2019. The player of the Barça lost more than 10 weeks of party, always by problems of ankle. Everything began the past 23 September during a Barça-Celtic and the second would arrive in front of the Athletic in Saint Mamés on 3 March, culminating everything in the Madrid-Barça of 21 April, just when it recovered of the previous problem.

In his more recent injury, which will force him to be followed his recovery without being able to be in the Euro, the midfield player of 27 years suffered a sprain of degree II in his right ankle by which, finally, has not received the high medical and will lose the tournament. The decision, in spite of the visible sample of disappointment of Of Jong, seem to be the most hit if we take into account that one of the two previous injuries of the player this season was also in the right ankle, being a zone in which it could begin to suffer of chronic way if it does not recover it properly.

Of Jong will be a fan more than his selection

After expressing his unrest by not being able to be in the Eurocopa, Of Jong added that definitely it will be a follower more than the 'Oranje' in a Euro in which they will go in front of Poland, France and Austria. "It is a dream and the greater honour represent to our country in a final tournament. Using the orange shirt, singing the Wilhelmus and feeling the support of all the country. But now, as all the orange legion, will encourage to our team from the terracings. We go boys", finalised the player of the Barça.

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