The combined of Low Countries received a hard 'varapalo' when falling in the semifinals of the Eurocopa 2024 in front of England. The group directed by Ronald Koeman began by in front in the marker thanks to a golazo of Xavi Simons, but Harry Kane would not take in equalising the result and a so much 'in extremis' of Ollie Watkins sentenced the elimination of the 'Oranje', that was to a 'step' to struggle against Spain by the title.

In spite of the defeat of his selection, the mediocampista of 21 years completed a big party and, in general lines, a very good tournament, where left several destellos of the quality that possesses in the present and his enormous projection to future. The footballer took the 'reins' of the team after the injury of Frenkie of Jong, consecrating as one of the greater talents of the actuality.

When finalising the meeting, Simons attended to the media in mixed zone to leave his impressions after the defeat of the 'Orange Mechanical'. "Like this it is the football. We have played with energy, presionándoles that this them incomoda, but have marked us in the last. It has decanted by minimum details", expressed the player.

The future of the current footballer of Paris Saint-Germain is one of the big interrogantes of the market of signings, since it wants to have an important paper in the team where play and the Parisians would not offer him this role. "The people can speak and say what want. To my gives me the same. Him them dreams that have and go them to achieve. I want to carry the Selection to the highest", signalled Xavi, evading the questions on his next destination.

His exit of the Barça

One of the clubs with which has related him in the present window estival is the FC Barcelona. The mediocentro formed in the Masia, but abandoned the City Condal to put course to the Park of the Princes, where would have done him an economic offer more important that the one of the culés. However, Simons played to the 'mystery' when referring to his exit of the Camp Nou.

"I am a boy that work every day to reach my dreams. The people probably has an opinion that will have explained them. What can say is that all what say is not truth", commented Xavi, that with forcefulness added that "some day already will speak of all what happened. Have a lot of people that supports me and bet by me and this is with what remain me".