Agüero Appeared with the new T-shirt and fed the rumours on Messi
Published:17/06/2021 - 00:21h
Updated:17/06/2021 - 00:21h
The Argentinian forward put the new equipación during his presentation like culé the past 31 May, but kept a secret the images until desveló the new design. It did not go until this moment, that decided publish the video in the social networks officials of the FC Barcelona, in the middle of the wave of rumours that situate to Leo Messi out of the Barça
The president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, presented this Tuesday 15 June the T-shirt of the Barcelona picture for the next season, everything went well until many noticed that they did not exhibit photographies of the Argentinian player Leo Messi luciendo the new equipación, with the one who continue the negotiations by renewal. Besides, to the candelero added a video that was published by the own Catalan entity, in which it shows to the also Argentinian Sergio 'Kun' Agüero with the renewed 'skin' Barcelona, a situation that woke up alarms in all the barcelonismo.
Of agreement to the explanation that have given sources linked to the club, is that the Argentinian forward put the new equipación during his presentation like culé the past 31 May, but kept a secret the images until desveló the new design. It did not go until this moment, that decided publish the mentioned video in the social networks officials of the FC Barcelona.
In the case of Leo Messi, the journalist Fernando Polo explained that the session of photographies of the new equipaciones made the past 19 March. It indicated, that the members of the department of marketing quoted previously to all the players of the first team, through his legal representatives, something that also did with the Argentinian, but this did not attend since for this date no reposaba in his table an offer for his renewal with the picture culé.
"He did not have of the all clear if it went to be followed or no. And obviously, it was not question to do photos with a T-shirt that, anyway, luciría further of 30 June, date of the end of his current agreement. Neither it was question, logically, to leave some photos with the T-shirt of the Barça 2021-22 if it existed the possibility of afterwards finish in another club", stood out the mentioned journalist, in the middle of the rumours that aimed that Leo had decided not renewing with the Barça.
Concentrated in the Glass America
It fits to remember that so much Messi like Agüero are concentrated with the selection of Argentina to contest the Glass America and both could be headline in the next party in front of Uruguay, afterwards that in the première in the continental competition the 'albicelestes' did not happen of the tie (1-1) in front of his similar of Chile, that also knew to resist to the embates of the directed by Lionel Scaloni in the commitment contested does a week but by the Eliminatory to the World-wide of Catar 2022.
(LIKE THIS) VAMO' To JUGA' ? @aguerosergiokun pic.twitter.com/q1lhchkbq9
— FC Barcelona (@FCBarcelona_is) June 16, 2021