Sergio Agüero had the abysmal luck to withdraw in the middle of his physical recovery with the Barcelona, club with which fichó in the last market of summer after remaining free pertinent of the Manchester City, bringing in the case the title of maximum goleador foreigner of the format Premier and also the more goleador of the English team.
Once confirmed the news by the own player in the press conference that offered accompanied of Laporta, programmed a trip to Argentina to happen the parties with his family and also gathered with the attendants of the club, arriving to a friendly agreement as far as has been able to know from this day.
Now, the things go by a way something distinct, since the player could earn a compensation to the Barcelona by all what sucedió and that the event of health that lived was with the club. The figure would be situated in three million euros roughly taking in account the wage that perceived.
The law stipulates that in front of a "permanent inability total or absolute or big invalidity" by part of the sporty, there would be the possibility to earn a compensation, whenever the inability that have have appeared in exercise of his discipline or by cause of the same, something that seems to be very clear.
Only in case to show that the cardiac injury have been product of his inactivity or already had it in the Manchester City is that the Barcelona would not pay the sum mentioned, that corresponds to the six mensualidades that reflect in the law. These stages seem far since it sucedido was to half of a party like culé.
Until January, at least
Agüero Does not understand of negotiations in this moment and only his legal team will have the time to assume the subject, since at least until the next year there will be at all in his head that was not desconectarse and rest now that there is not return to the football, something that already knows how do half by the long injury that suffered.