Aim of the Barça to half term: Fichar to the relief of Luis Suárez
Published:21/06/2018 - 10:44h
Updated:21/06/2018 - 10:44h
The FC Barcelona has full confidence in Luis Suárez so that it keep on being during several seasons more the 'nine' headline of the team. However, it is conscious that, to his 31 years, the charrúa can have happened already his best moments
Luis Suárez is the 'killer' of the FC Barcelona, and beside Leo Messi one of the two big pillars of the Barcelona offensive game. This last season has not been the best for him to level of goals, but even so it has attained to transform 31 targets in all the competitions.
To this, it is necessary to add a number of assistances that surpasses also the two digits, and that converts him beside the '10' in the best assistant of the group culé. Good numbers for Luis Suárez that always it gives it all when enfunda the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona, and that of face to the next season 2018-19 will have the aim to recover his best level of game.
The FC Barcelona has full confidence in that it keep on being during several seasons more the 'killer' of area that has been these last four campaigns. However, in the Barcelona breast know that, to his 31 years, to Luis Suárez do not remain him too many courses to surrender to the one hundred by one hundred.
It is thus that, of face to this summer and especially to the next, sondeará the market of signings to look for to some future relief that can contribute to the FC Barcelona the performance that has offered Luis Suárez these last years, or at least approach. Nabil Fekir, Roberto Firmino... They are not few the 'nueves' that they could fit well in the Barça, and that from the Camp Nou will have to analyse thoroughly.
Luis Suárez no only contributes goals to the Barça
And it is that the well of Luis Suárez is that, in addition to goal, contributes an infinity of qualities more, because you also took, presiona and defends. The '9' is a total player, and has fit from the first moment -so much inside as out of the field- with the dominador of the world-wide football, Leo Messi.
It will be necessary to look for therefore to a footballer that was able to contribute goals, assistances and besides offer also the necessary synergy to do better to his mates. Luis Suárez has valid agreement until June of 2021, and expects that it fulfil it.
His physical conditions convert him besides in a portento that probably surrender to good level until the 35 years, or can even that further. The FC Barcelona, therefore, has time of leftovers to look for to a relief of guarantees... But it will not be able to sleep in the laurels.