Ansu Fati In a match with the Barça


Albert Puig on Ansu Fati: "it has It everything to be of the best of the world"

Published:28/01/2021 - 14:41h

Updated:28/01/2021 - 16:29h

The one who went coordinator of La Masía by 4 years, Albert Puig, reviews the present and the future of some canteranos of the FC Barcelona, doing special emphasis in Ansu Fati

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Albert Puig Ortoneda is one of the managers that today it can enjoy of the quality and the talent of players like Ansu Fati, Riqui Puig or Ilaix Moriba in the FC Barcelona. And this does not remain here, Puig also was the attendant of fichar to other so many young promises like Thiago Alcántara, Dani Elm or Takefusa Kubo that shined in the Barcelona group and that today despuntan far of the discipline of the club.

Afterwards to exert by five years like trainer of the inferior categories, gave the jump and turned into the director of The Farm, charge where closed an incalculable figure of signings and that now are surrendering fruits in the rows of the Barça and in distinct clubs in all Europe. After a brutal wear, desligó of the place four years afterwards for, with the football as 'excuse', travel by all the world with his family.

Domènec Torrent Offered him the opportunity that it turned into his second trainer during a season in the New York City and after foguearse in the MLS, split of United States with course to Japan to take the reins of the Albirex Niigata, of the Second Japanese Division. A season afterwards, Albert Puig received an interview of SPORT with the end to analyse the actuality of the Barcelona group and explain how has implanted the game of position in Japan.

After his arrival to the Albirex, the team finalised eleventh in the table of classification, far of the places of promotion. Puig recognised that the first year "was very hard by the adaptation to a different football -as it is the Japanese- and to a club that had to change all the style of game". Likewise, it highlighted that his main aim for this season is to achieve the promotion, and for this ensures that it is more important to create a solid base "that guarantee the future in this style".

On the other hand, Puig was questioned on if it has been able to apply the model of the Barça and the game by position in the Albirex, and this recognised that it was not simple but achieved to do important changes: "The months of August, September and October did a very attractive game that liked a lot. A positional and offensive game that achieved to mark a tendency here in Japan, where the football is used to to be a bit more direct".

The pieces of gold of the Barça

Puig spoke on the projection of Ansu Fati, the youngster that with hardly 18 years is one of the most promising footballers and that besides already has a place in the first staff of the team: "we Are speaking of a player that has it everything to become of the best of the world. Already it is it, but obviously it has to form and evolve much more. Anybody has the magic wand to say if it will be able to achieve it, but has all the potential to be a referent during the next years".

"We are speaking of a player that has it everything to become of the best of the world"

Of the same way, highlighted the "enormous" qualities of Ilaix Moriba, that with so alone 18 years already debuted with the first team: Neither with Xavi or Iniesta with 18 or 19 years could know until where could arrive. Ilaix Has some enormous qualities, Riqui has them, Jandro Orellana or Nico González have them or some of which have gone , as Carles Pérez or Marc Cucurella also had them. But of here to five years can not know who will have arrived more far, since there are a lot of factors that influence in this".

Albert Puig referred to the case of Riqui Puig and his possible cession: "The one of Riqui is a very particular case. For me ojalá give him more opportunities to Riqui and to all the ones of the house so that they grow inside the Barcelona. He is the one who decides if it sees growing more inside the surroundings barcelonista, in the first team, or needs to go out to go back much stronger".

Likewise, it did not deny that it does him "a lot of illusion" the possible return of Eric García to the team: "Eric is a barcelonista of pro and is a boy that is very involved with the club. Besides, it is a big head office with a very good exit of balloon and a lot of leadership. For me, it would be a big joy and more to personal level".

Puig did special emphasis in the inclusion of the youngsters canteranos in the first Barcelona staff, as in his opinion the connection with the club is narrower with a player that has formed futbolísticamente in the bases of the team: "When you play for the club that want to do what was to defend his T-shirt. The factor implication always is much bigger that the one of a player that comes of out, that is a professional that does well his work, but never will have the sentimental implication of a player that comes from below. This is a very important factor and more treating of the Barcelona".

The youngsters more resaltantes in The Farm, according to Puig:

The more talentoso? Ansu Fati, Brahim Díaz and Seung woo Lee.

The more habilidoso? Brahim Díaz.

The most competitive? Eric García.

The best? It would not know to say one exactly, there have been many.

The humblest? Adama Traoré.

The most hard-working? Sergi Samper.

The most fighting? Sergi Palencia.

The one who had more physical aptitudes? Adama Traoré.

The most intelligent in the terrain of game? Riqui Puig.

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