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All the coaches in the history of FC Barcelona

Published:29/05/2024 - 18:45h

Updated:31/05/2024 - 16:11h

This Wednesday, FC Barcelona opened a new chapter with the announcement of Hansi Flick as its new coach. Below we review all the technicians who have sat on the bench of the culé team throughout history

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has announced this Wednesday that Hansi Flick will be his new trainer by the next two seasons. Like this, the German turns into the seventh that occupies the bench culé in the last 10 years, being besides the trainer number 61 (according to the data of the club) that arrives to the Barcelona bench in all the history of the entity, taking in account to Billy Lambe (1912) like the first in receiving a floor for occupying the role of technician.

If we go regarding decades, find us also to the names of Miles Barron (1912), Jack Alderson (1913) and Jack Greenwell (1913-1923) like the men that occupied the charge of trainer in the Barça during the second decade of the century happened of official way. Later they would arrive Jesza Poszony (1923 and 1924); William Alfred Spouncer (1923-1924); Ralph Kirby (1925-1926); Jack Domby (1926-1927 and 1933-1944), Romà Forns (1927-1929) and James Bellamy (1929-1931) to star the decade of 1920 and the start of the one of 1930.

The starts culés

In a stage in which the football already began to take a lot of more relevencia to national and international level, Ferenc Plattkó took the bench of the Barça between 1934 and 1935, highlighting also his stage 20 years later, between the 55 and the 56. Pat O'Connell (1935-1937) and Josep Flat (1939-1941) would be the attendants to complete the decade of 1930 in the Barcelona club, opening like this besides the step to the consolidation of the Spanish trainers.

Ramón Guzman (1941-1942), Joan Josep Noguéz (1942-1944) and Josep Samitier (1944-1947) would follow the legacy of Flat regarding Spanish trainers in the team culé, giving step so that the Uruguayan Enrique Fernández will complete the decade of 1940 with his work between 1947 and 1950. Ramón Llorens (1950); Ferdinand Daucik (1950-1954); Sandro Puppo (1954-1955); Domènec Balmanya (1956-1958) and the big Helenio Herrera (1958-1960, 1980 and 1980-1981) followed writing the history of the Barça around the middle of the past century.

Several important names inside the Barcelona history

The decade of 1960 would continue with Enric Rabassa (1960) would lead a decade of a lot of unsteadiness inside the club, happening later by Ljubisa Brocic (1960-1961); Enrique Orizaola (1961); Lluís Looked (1961-1962); Ladislao Kubala (1962-1963 and 1980); Josep Gonzalvo (1963); César Rodríguez (1963-1965); Vicenç Sasot (1964-1965); Roque Olsen (1965-1967); Salvador Artigas (1967-1969) and Josep Seguer (1969-1970) would compose the long list of trainers of that agitated decade in the Barça.

Vic Buckingham (1969-1971) would begin the decade of 1970 for the Barça, one that would have the arrival of Johan Cruyff like footballer to the entity and would change for ever the history of the club. Rinus Michels (1971-1975 and 1976-1978); Hennes Weisweiler (1975-1976); Laureano Ruíz (1976); Lucien Müller (1978-1979) and Joaquim Rifé (1979-1980) were the names that crossed a moment that for the club would begin to show this jump of quality, especially to international level.

The change of history in the club with Cruyff

Already with a clear change of philosophy, and betting much more by the quarry, Udo Lattek (1981-1983) would continue with the following decade, giving step to the brief stage of José Luis Romero (1983) and César Luis Menotti (1983-1984). Terry Venables (1984-1987) himself would have a step of much more weight, being replaced by the historical Luis Aragonese (1987-1988) and later by one of these nominations that would change everything: the arrival of Johan Cruyff (1988-1996) to the bench culé.

As it was to expect , the era of The Lean would be complicated to retort, or at least to try do it, and like this showed it the only season in which it was Bobby Robson (1996-1997) in the bench culé. Louis go Gaal (1997-2000 and 2002-2003) marked the attempt to return to the Dutch school, being besides the trainer that opened the new millenium in the bench of the Barça.

The start d eun millenium that has been magic for the Barça

Llorenç Serra Ferrer (2000-2001) would continue with what finish being the best period of the history of the club, which would have four Champions League in a lapse of nine years. Carles Rexach (1988, 1989, 1996 and 2001-2002) would have his last season in the Barcelona bench in 2002, with Jesús Antonio de la Cruz (2003) and Radomir Antic (2003) marking the end of some months of unsteadiness for the club.

Frank Rijkaard (2003-2008) arrived to the Barça to put the house in order and from there would be almost all happiness in the Camp Nou. They would follow him Pep Guardiola (2008-2012) and his unforgettable stage of four seasons in the Catalan group, as well as the historical season of Tito Vilanova (2012-2013). Gerardo 'Tata' Martino (2013-2014) would happen in brief by the City Condal for afterwards allow the arrival of Luis Enrique, the one who to the equal that Guardiola would achieve a triplete for the Barcelona group.

The list, to arrive to Hansi Flick, complete with Ernesto Valverde (2017-2020); Quique Setien (2020); Ronald Koeman (2020-2021) and Xavi Hernández (2021-2024). Like this, the German will try can give something more than stability to the Barcelona team after a start of decade that already has had four trainers in little more than four years.

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