The team Or-16 of the FC Barcelona has defeated to his similar of the Espanyol in the batch of penaltis of the tournament of microfútbol in his edition 2023. Both oncenas Catalan empataron without goals after an intense crash, but finally have been the culés those who have imposed when showing more precise in the definition from the eleven metres.
It treated of a very equalised party by part of both teams, in which the command, possession and the initiative were alternated between Barcelona and pericos. Even so, the culés finished leaving better feelings on the field of game and were very near to achieve the victory on the lawn of not being by a timely cut across of the goalkeeper of the Espanyol, Adriano Torres.
The penaltis give the victory to the Barça
In the definition from the fateful point, the big hero would be the guardameta Barcelona, Jordi Saucedo, with two unemployed keys that cost them the victory to the formed in the Masia. A duel that has claimed to the culés, that came to fall defeated in the final of the modality Or-12B in front of the same rival of the category.
Andl Barcelona Or-16 arrived until these instances after darse of Crystal Palace with a goleada by 4-0, with Shane Kluivert, son of the exjugador of the Barcelona and international team with the Low Countries, Patrick Kluivert. By his part, the pericos came to follow suit in front of the Liverpool before installing in the decisive party.