Barça explains the 2022/23 economic closure and the budget for this season
Barça's economic vice president, Eduard Romeu, has offered some statements in which he spoke about the club's financial year last season and the one planned for this year
Eduard Romeu, economic vice-president of the FC Barcelona, has appeared in press conference to explain the economic closing of the club during the 2022/23 and also the budget that has stipulated for the current campaign 2023/24. The executive was very clear and detailed several movements that have done in the dispatch to solve the problems that has had the institution from 2020.
Summary of the closing and the budget
It began doing a brief summary of the closing 2022/23 and what foresees for this course. "The first conclusion is that we have had an income of 30 upper millions to what had presupuestado. We have taken advantage of the exercise to do a charge of costs that had had in back exercises so that once and for all we can have an exercise normalised from a point of view númerico, without crowbars", affirmed.
On the same line, desveló the budget of the current season. "The budget for the 2023/24 contemplates 859 million euros of income and 832 million euros of costs. And a profit after taxes of 11 million euros. At the end we will have an exercise normalised. In the commercial and stadium have beaten records of turnover and is an excellent news. For the first time they have reached the 100 million income in the shops of the Barça", aimed Romeu.
The management of the Barça, to the detail
Near to finalise, desesgranó to the detail the exercise of the past year. "Of the 1.255 million income, 400 correspond on sale of the rights of television in LaLiga. Would have an income of 855 millions. The another operation that supposes almost 200 million results correspond to the imputación of 51% of value of Bridgeburg. The game of the stadium supposes an increase of 28 millions, with parties with a lot of influx in the stadium. The part of average is the difference that have not achieved by the elimination in Champions and Europe League. From the commercial area there has been a very important development, with record of turnover. It is an excellent news. With the traspasos have -20 millions, by the sale of Griezmann that went of 20 kilos and had presupuestados 40", cleared.
Finally, it spoke of the 'Operation Gone out' and the costs of management. "The 255 million cost of management correspond to the ordinary operation of the club: 57 million BLM, 24 million maintenance of installations, 19 millions of the Seient Lliure, 17 millions in trips, 15 millions of the amount of LaLiga by the rights of television, 15 million advertising and marketing, 15 of professional services, 14 of consumptions and tributes, 13 million Barça TV and 13 million intermediation of sponsorships. In reference to the 171 million euros of the no ordinary operation of the club: 35 millions in amortizaciones no sportive, 58 millions in losses by traspasos by the exits of Alba, Hammered, Griezmann or Mirotic, provisions by 37 million euros, contribution to Foundations by 8 million euros, 7 millions in morosidad or others", concluded.