Xavi Hernández en el duelo entre el FC Barcelona y el PSG en la UEFA Champions League


Barça fans ask that Xavi continue next season

Published:21/04/2024 - 15:11h

Updated:22/04/2024 - 04:30h

The fans of FC Barcelona were totally committed to asking for the continuity of Xavi Hernández as coach of the club during the preview of the duel between the Barça team and Real Madrid. This clamor has been sustained over several days

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It will remain Xavi Hernández a season more in the bench of the FC Barcelona? An interrogante that, a priori, seems to have a clear answer: no, given the immovable posture showed by the egarense after announcing, the past 27 January, his decision to leave to be the trainer of the picture culé to the term of the campaign 2023-24, after the painful defeat by 3-5 in front of the Villarreal Cf. Nevertheless, from different sectors of the barcelonismo, does not lose the optimism and do not surrender in his attempt for persuading to the of Terrassa so that it continue like the technical director of the combined Catalan.

One of these sectors that follows promoting with elder excite the continuity of the míster Catalan in the Barcelonan picture is the fans. In this occasion, during the anteroom of an important clash between the Barcelona cast and the Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabéu, did not waste the opportunity to express him his sincerer wishes that it remain .

The fans culé follows clamando the continuity of Xavi Hernández in the FC Barcelona

In this sense, the bloated of the FC Barcelona took advantage of the arrival of the square culé to the Intercontinental Hotel, place that serves like centre of concentration for the players when arriving to the Spanish capital, to devote him a sticky chant to the rhythm of "Xavi, remain you!", with the clear aim to ask his continuity in the bench the next season. By his part, Xavi answered to this beautiful gesture greeting to the presents with a smile before going in to the hotel.

Up to now, as it mentioned previously, the continuity of Xavi Hernández like trainer of the FC Barcelona keeps on being little likely that suceda, since the option to finish the season without any title can be affecting the motivation of the egarense, independently that it has the confidence of the managerial culé to follow. He has expressed his disposal to open step to a new sportive project and has manifested his wish to take a sabbatical period after his experience in the Barça. However, it will be necessary to expect and see what sucede to the end of the campaign, since his permanence, although unlikely, is not descartada.