They follow passing the days and the uncertainty grows in the City Condal around a subject that does not leave indifferent to all and sundry: the continuity of Xavi Hernández like trainer of the FC Barcelona for the next course. It seemed that this subject had resolved after the expected ratification in his charge the past 25 April, but now this case would be taking a new course because of the presumptive unrest of a sector of the Barcelona directive, headed by Joan Laporta, by the realistic statements, but little optimistic that the one of Terrassa made before the commitment against the UD Almería (0-2), in relation with the perspective of the next market of incorporations and the complicated economic situation of the club.

In principle, this seems to be only a rumour, since neither Joan Laporta neither any another member of the directive have done an official pronouncement on this subject. On the other hand, Xavi Hernández himself has left clear that the plans for the next course seem to keep intact and that, at least for now, anybody has communicated him any change of decision.

Nevertheless, all this noise generated around the figure of the technician egarense could star no only an important unsteadiness in him, but also, as it signals 'SPORT', an embarrassment generalised in the changing room. Now, the staff, that already was convinced that Xavi would be his trainer for the next season, finds to few days to finish the course without having clarity on if Hernández will direct them or no in the new period 2024/25.

The uncertainty of the players of the FC Barcelona by the 'case Xavi'

In this sense, is evident that if the position of the technician begins to wobble , in the changing room also will begin to consider new stages. Some players that believed to have ensured his continuity because of the confidence of the trainer could confront again to the uncertainty, especially considering the option of not knowing who will be the new preparador of the team and if it has they in his sportive project. All these variables condition the stability of a player.

On the other hand, those footballers that perhaps had big possibilities to go out of the combined culé in the market of summer could have renewed opportunities to remain in case of a predictable game of Xavi. Even, those players that do not seem to have a paper stood out in the plans of the technician maybe would enjoy of a new opportunity to see action with the arrival of a new trainer.

In this point, is innegable the importance of the direct intervention of Deco, sportive director of the club, to speak with the representatives of the players, offer them orientation on his future and keep them informed on the situation of his represented in the team. However, it can not shelve the wish of the footballers to have the approval of a technician that, in general lines, seems to have the backrest of big splits the players in the changing room.