After several months of process, finally the FIFA has desestimado the demand that the Adarve presented against the FC Barcelona by a supposed fraud in the registration of the signing of Marcos Alonso. Like this it has confirmed it 'Actualité - Barça' from his account of Twitter, explaining that the resource -where also presented the Bolton- has been desestimado by the organism.

The demand against of the culés arrived afterwards that the left-handed defence was incorporated by the Barça in the past summer like free agent and the Union Adarve, club in which Marcos Alonso played three seasons like canterano, interpreted an irregularity in the operation. Thus, they decided to report to the Catalan team in front of the FIFA for having simulated a registration of player 'unemployed' hiding a true international transfer, by means of exchange of players (Aubameyang) in which it added an additional economic quantity.

Without consequences for the Barça after his agreement with Chelsea

If the signing of Marcos Alonso had been a traspaso, the Madrilenian team had perceived a sum of money by the movement, thanks to the mechanism of solidarity that promoted the FIFA, with which rewards to the clubs formadores. However, the organism that governs the world-wide football understood that they treated of two entirely independent operations, further to make almost to the same moments by the two clubs.

The Union Adarve alleged that "in the first period of registration of the present season, that finalised on 1 September 2022, produced the traspaso of the player Aubameyang of the Barcelona to Chelsea FC by 12 million euros. And simultaneously, some hours after closing the market, Marcos Alonso, the one who had terminated together before the closing his commitment with Chelsea FC 'with one accord', was inscribed like player 'unemployed' in the FC Barcelona", prayed the communiqué.

The FIFA has confirmed that the culés acted of agreement to the regulation

The club of the Neighbourhood of Pilar saw in this form to act a possible exchange of players concealed in which Chelsea and Barça would have agreed the traspaso of Aubameyang by 12 million euros and the free release of Marcos Alonso. Thus, the Madrilenian team requested in front of the FIFA a compensation by part of the Barça, but the investigation has concluded giving him the reason to the Catalan entity, after not being able to show the indications that presented the Madrilenian picture in front of the Camera of Resolution of Disputes of FIFA, same situation for the Bolton English.