Joan Laporta in a press conference


Barça speaks clearly! Club’s strong statement about Rubiales

Published:25/08/2023 - 15:40h

Updated:25/08/2023 - 20:04h

The Barça has not wanted to leave happen another minute more if show his support to the regrettable situation that lived Jenni Beautiful the past weekend and with an official communiqué has condemned the posture of this Friday of Rubiales

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Friday has brought the one who can be a before and an afterwards in the Spanish football afterwards that Luis Rubiales presented in Extraordinary Assembly of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) and ensured that it will not renounce to his charge like president. The Spanish executive gave a sample bochornosa of soberbia and ensured that the kiss to Jenni Beautiful is not a so grave situation as to finish "the best management in the history of the Spanish football".

The FC Barcelona wants to be conclusive in his posture

By affirmations like this last, in addition to some others, the FC Barcelona has decided to fix position with an official communiqué and has informed from his official channels that "wants to leave very clear that considers totally improper and unlucky the performance of the president of the RFEF during the celebration of the World-wide of football achieved by the feminine Spanish selection", initiates the communiqué.

Likewise it highlights that "they are some facts that consider regrettable, that the own Mr. Rubiales considered an error and by which apologised", sustained. However, the Barça wanted to go further and detailed that "in front of these facts injustificables, the FC Barcelona engages to continue in the line to support to the feminine sport, to the full equality between men and women in the world of the sport and in the society in general, to guarantee the security of the woman in the sport and to report any performance that vulnere our principles and Statutes", resolved the communiqué.

Regarding the possible dismissal of Rubiales, already inform also this Friday that the Upper Council of Sports (CSD) will do a formal complaint in front of the Administrative Court of the Sport (TAD) so that it suspend immediately of his functions to the current president of the RFEF.